I just read your post about wanting a larger printer. I will have to say that it can definitely be done. I have built my own very large printer, 920 mm X 520 mm X 820 mm. If you are wondering, that’s 36 inches x 20 1/2 inches X 32.25 inches of “Z” travel. It was an undertaking to say the least. Still haven’t gotten all the bugs out of it but it does a pretty good job. I have my “U” axis Extruder to mount still but no biggie there. My print bed is a flat top glass stove and my bed heater is the stove itself with a piece of 1/4 inch aluminum plate on it. The stove is wired direct for 110 volts on a really good relay. I don’t recommend this unless you put something in line to protect your bed from getting to hot. About 70 degrees Celsius is all I feel comfortable with, which works out ok with PETG. Not the flattest surface but the Duet WIFI does ok if you do a mesh bed probe first, which takes forever. I would send pictures but it late and the printer is out in the shed. I will send pictures.

Best posts made by mgrimes1907
RE: Big size iDex...
RE: Did anyone make a iDex with dual x gantry bar?
I have an X and a U on two different rails. Haven't put the extruder on the U yet but carriage is there and functional. I have been putting it off because I have to redesign my extruder brackets to allow room for the cooling fan between the carriages.
They are both riding on 40/20 extrusions seperately. I have Two Y motors, an X, motor, a U motor, four Z motors pushing 1000 mm Ball screws, and hopefully soon, two extruders. No empty drivers on Duet or Expansion Board. Heat sinks on all drivers witha 24 volt, 90 mm fan blowing across them.