Thank you Johhnyalter. I have success full connection with my wifi. But i am not able to connect to my web console. I think so i am missing a right file in my SD card. Do you have any idea where to download all file for the SD card?

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RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
Latest posts made by meetpatel111128
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
Thank you Johhnyalter. I have success full connection with my wifi. But i am not able to connect to my web console. I think so i am missing a right file in my SD card. Do you have any idea where to download all file for the SD card?
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
Which files need to be in SD card to see web console? And how to download those files?
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
thank you dougal1957.
But i have some issue to
M588: Bad or missing parameter<LF>ok<LF>
M587: Failed to retrieve network list<LF>ok<LF>
WiFi module is connected to access point AMCRP, IP address<LF>ok<LF>And I am able to ping the IP address. but I am not able to connect another SSID. And one more thing, when I use this IP address in google. I receive error says " Your Duet rejected the HTTP request: page not found"
Does anyone have any idea?
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
One more thing, do you know how to reset the wifi module. I mean, I would like to delete my old SSID and I wanna connect to new SSID. Do you have any idea how to connect different ssid?
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
So we made some improvement. I was able to connect to my SSID. I use this command to find IP address.
M552 S1
OK Wifi module is connected to access point "*****" and IP address ""So I type in google chrome. But I am not able to see any output.
DC42, do you have any idea about that?
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
And thank you so much for responding. I really want this to work.
I try to do this, But I fail too. Looks like DuetWiFIserver.bin is missing. But I remember I uploaded firmware for that too.
WiFi module is idle<LF>ok<LF>
M588 S""
No remembered networks<LF>ok<LF>
M587 S""
Bad parameter in M587 command<LF>ok<LF>
M587 S"Meet" P"Meet28Patel"
Remembered networks:<LF>Meet<LF>ok<LF>
M552 S1
ok<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>Wifi module is idle<LF>
M997 S1
File DuetWiFiServer.bin not found<LF>ok<LF>
=== Diagnostics ===<LF>Used output buffers: 1 of 32 (1 max)<LF>=== Platform ===<LF>RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi version 1.19 running on Duet WiFi 1.0<LF>Board ID: 08D6M-95AK9-NG3T0-6J1DD-3SD6M-95JFW<LF>Static ram used: 21176<LF>Dynamic ram used: 95288<LF>Recycled dynamic ram: 2320<LF>Stack ram used: 4008 current, 4832 maximum<LF>Never used ram: 7456<LF>Last reset 00:05:42 ago, cause: reset button or watchdog<LF>Last software reset reason: not available<LF>Error status: 0<LF>Free file entries: 10<LF>SD card 0 not detected, interface speed: 30.0MBytes/sec<LF>SD card longest block write time: 0.0ms<LF>MCU temperature: min 23.0, current 28.0, max 28.2<LF>Supply voltage: min 1.6, current 1.7, max 1.7, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0<LF>Driver 0: ok<LF>Driver 1: ok<LF>Driver 2: ok<LF>Driver 3: ok<LF>Driver 4: ok<LF>Date/time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00<LF>Slowest main loop (seconds): 0.099236; fastest: 0.000031<LF>=== Move ===<LF>MaxReps: 0, StepErrors: 0, FreeDm: 240, MinFreeDm 240, MaxWait: 0ms, Underruns: 0, 0<LF>Scheduled moves: 0, completed moves: 0<LF>Bed com<Warning: Maximal number of bytes per line exceeded! Check the end-of-line settings or increase the limit in the advanced terminal settings.> -
RE: Issue with Wifi connectivity.
"then send the two M587 commands again." As you mention about two commands. Which two of those?
Issue with Wifi connectivity.
Please review my commands and help me figure out my problem,
WiFi module is idle<LF>ok<LF>
M552 S0
WiFi module is idle<LF>ok<LF>
M587 S"meet1111" P"Meet28patel"
M587: Failed to retrieve network list<LF>ok<LF>
M552 S1
ok<LF>WiFi reported an error: no known networks found<LF>Wifi module is idle<LF>Still, I am not able to see SSID or any blinking light on board.