@cosmowave Board is Duet 2 Wifi, FW 3.2.2 (2021-02-11).
I don't have anything special. On first print command from the Duet web interface, it heats up, and then shows "complete". if i ask to "Print Again" from the same internface then it works ok. The same start gcode is being called both times. For now, I have to do this double request until I can find out what is the cause.

Latest posts made by markduet
RE: Printing always on second command
Printing always on second command
When I print any file, the heaters get to the right temperature and then the print job says Finished, and then the heaters start to cool off.
I have to go to the "Jobs" menu and hit "Print Again", to print.
Has anyone else had this happen and what solution did you do to resolve that? Thank you in advance.
RE: Uploading multiple files to multiple printers
@phaedrux Sounds perfect! Makes my day better reading this.
Uploading multiple files to multiple printers
What would be the most efficient and recommended way to upload gcode files to 2 or more machines/duet board SD cards? I tried to use FIlezilla, but having problems. I want to delete and upload several files to multiple machines, and I do this whenever the version of my design file gcode changes. Currently I do this manually to each machine, but wondered if there is a more efficient way to do this repetitive process, something analogous to a batch file.
RE: does config-override change needs rebooting board?
@phaedrux Thanks a bunch for the quick reply! That totally solves my problem.
RE: Duet2 connection interrupted: Let's get to the bottom of this
@nxt-1 My question is this, is the blue LED off, solid on, or blinking during the times your Duet board is not pingable? That would at least tell if the board is connected to the access point or wifi router or hub.
does config-override change needs rebooting board?
I make changes to my config-override.g sometimes to make adjustments, and then I reboot the board by hitting Emergency Stop after that, to load the new settings. Do I need to Reboot the board or can I just load the config-override.g by "Run"ing it, or is there a better/quicker way with less steps?
RE: PWM Fan mosfets
@phaedrux I have a single 12v fan. I will try your recommendation, i.e, using only the -ve lead from fan1 socket on the board and +ve directly from the buck converter. I understood correctly I hope.
RE: PWM Fan mosfets
@jens55 I took the 2 wires from Fan1 on the Duet board, and hooked them up to the buck converter input. I also tried removing it (the buck converter) and connecting a 24 volt fan directly to the Fan1 output on the board. Same thing happened. Interestingly, I did this identical on 2 machines. One works and other has the fan always on.
RE: PWM Fan mosfets
@dc42 Thanks for explaining. One more thing I forgot to mention is I connected a buck converter to the fan1 output, since my fan is a Noctua 12v fan, (which I put on the hot end to reduce fan noise). That is to reduce the 24 volt to 12v. I'm wondering if that could have fried the mosfet into the "shorted" mode. My next purchase will be a mosfet to repair this one on the board. I never removed an SMD part yet, so am a bit nervous.