@droftarts Yeah, I was caught off-guard a bit when I came across the above figure, as I was just assuming it would be 5V. To make matters worse, the position reference inputs are Pulse, Direction, and Clear, not Pulse, Direction, and Enable. To turn the servos on, the drives require a separate, 24V input. So, talking with these drives is proving more involved than I hoped. But, they have 24-bit optical encoders, so, you win some, you lose some...
You make a good point to run single-ended pulling from a 3.3V pin instead of the 5V, and I have to admit that didn't even occur to me, but it seems like a reliable fallback. I do still like the resistor approach if it works though, just because it keeps all the connections physically discreet.
Come to think of it, though, any chance the EN(-) pins on the 6XD are 30V tolerant so I could actually use them for enable/on signal?