I´ve recently assembled my Kossel XL with robodigg corners and effector.
I´m using E3D Titan with V6 hotend and can't get my retraction setting right and I can't understand what can be wrong.
The test procedure I'm using is that I'm printing 4 retraction prints with 4 different processes at once so that I can compare the different settings after each print.
This is the particular print I'm having issues with: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:607968
Printing stuff like benchys and such turns out fairly good but this one gets really messy
In the picture you can se 4 prints. Print 1 is by the white benchy hull and goes clockwise to print no 4.
The retraction settings are:
Print 1: 15mm/s, 2.5mm (lower right corner)
Print 2. 20mm/s 2,5mm
Print 3: 30mm/s 2,5mm
Print 4 40mm/s 2,5mm (top right corner)
The issues I'm experiencing is that the stepper motor seams to be skipping steps the faster I´m retracting. Actually It's not skipping steps when retracting, I'ts skipping steps when extruding after a retraction. I can replicate the sound of skipping steps by extruding for example 20mm @20mm/s or faster/longer. Only when I´m extruding 5mm slowly I'm not skipping any steps.
Is this a result a stepper that's not getting enough amps and if thats the case how do I change it on the DuetWifi?
The motor I'm using is a Nema17 1.8 deg 1.7
Picture of print https://www.dropbox.com/s/arqcs9vifun1p8f/16700281_10154213928640906_3915140778881855733_o.jpg?dl=0