@Sindarius Ok, we have ordered a Raspberry. Do I link the camera to the raspberry or to the computer?

Posts made by Lachlan
RE: RepRapFirmware-Obico
RE: RepRapFirmware-Obico
@Sindarius This is what I get when I installed it
RE: RepRapFirmware-Obico
These are the files that are currently installed on my computer.
would I be able to upload any of these to DWC? -
RE: RepRapFirmware-Obico
@Sindarius I have installed git, and used the new code, Obico appears to be installed, but I am not getting any of the prompts to fill in the printer information. IE (ip address, port type etc.) Do I need to put in another command after installation to put in the codes?
RE: RepRapFirmware-Obico
HI, I am trying to get Obico started, but I am having trouble with the codes on the github page.
When I copy/paste the code into powershell, then I get the message as on the screenshot.
The first image is when I put the main code in. The second is what happened when I tried to put the error code in.
would anyone know what is going on?
Thanks -
RE: 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
@droftarts No, the PC does not detect the Duet at all, I do not get any messages about drawing too much power.
many thanks
Lachlan -
RE: 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
@dc42 I pulled out the SD card and made sure everything is unplugged.
The only area that got warm is under the board where the motor microprocessors are. It got a little warm where the driver microprocessors are, but no where else.
When plug the board into the computer only the 5.5v light comes on, but the 5.5v light does not come on when plugged into the mains power.
Could there be something going on with the 5.5v rail as well as the 3.3v rail?
Thank you
Lachlan -
RE: 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
@dc42 I plugged the board into mains power on the printer, The area near the VIN light and the microprocessors on the Extruder motor outlets were warm.
I did a continuity test on the Extruder motor, only to find It had not been wired in the correct order. I rewired and on concluding the continuity test, I found that there is about 0.5 Ohm resistance on the motor wires.
Previously the cable for the extruder motor were in a drag chain that was much too small for all the cables. I have since replace it with a wider drag chain and had to replace the heat cable.
Is it possible that the incorrect order and/or the overly tight drag chain would cause a short like what I have experienced.
Sorry for the long answers - very new to this stuff.
Many thanks
Lachlan -
RE: 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
@droftarts Just cleaned it off. No joy.
So U3 is the Mosfet on the buck converter? Are the Surrounding capacitors and Inductor also part of it like they are on other buck converters? Where would I find the Diode?
Also how would I go about testing for components? -
RE: 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
@Phaedrux The 5.5V light comes on, but my computer does not recognise it in device manager at all (nothing comes up).
When I plug it in the mains only the VIN light comes on but no components respond. -
RE: 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
@Phaedrux I was Shortening the wires on the motor, I was doing this by cutting them in the middle and then joining the new ends together (we do not have any of the terminal types the motor has so I had to do it this way.
I have done a continuity test on each of the motor wires and they all appear fine.
We had the duet before I worked for the company, and I have been here around 1 1/4 of a year, So probably a couple of years ago. If I am not mistaken we get our stuff from Aurarum.
Is the close up where the Buck converter is?
RE: 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
@jay_s_uk When I plug the mains in from the printer only the VIN light comes on, If I plug in the computer via usb, then only the 5.5V light comes on.
I have been looking a bit into buck converters but cannot find it on the board (I am VERY new to electronics) I am guessing it is the group of components next to the Bed heat input, rail and fan inputs?
Which components should I be testing with the multimeter? Is it worth replacing the buck converter components at all?
Thank you for your help
Lachlan -
3.3v light gone out - duet not responding
After tweaking the wire on one of the z axis motors, the Duet 2 stopped responding and the 3.3v light no longer comes on.
Is it possible that the motor had something to do with this?
I have looked at people with similar problems, a lot of people saying that the probe is a problem, as I am using a BL touch (5v powered) I do not think that is the issue.
I am quite new to electronics and do not know how to diagnose these problems.
How would I go about using a multi-meter to diagnose this problem (all the YT tutorials are on laptop motherboards). And what do I need to look for? -
RE: Getting response from paneldue5i, but screen black
@droftarts I have 3.4.0 on the screen and 3.4 on the duet 2. Have tried uploading the firmware many times with no joy.
Getting the exact same response when I plug the Paneldue into the computer. The computer and BOSSA recognise the screen, but the screen is still black.
With these things in mind, I believe that the back light driver has failed as you said. I believe this happened when the previous Motherboard shorted out when a contractor was attempting to re-wire it. So probably not valid on warranty.
Thank you for your help
Lachlan -
Getting response from paneldue5i, but screen black
I have connected a paneldue5i to a duet 2. Ran the firmware, checked the M575 code. All there
For some reason the screen is black but when I touch the screen where the commands should be the paneldue responds. For instance, if I press 'home' the printer will home, but I cannot see anything on the screen itself. -
RE: Where to get fan fuses
@moth4017 Thank you Will look into this
Made some up using a dupont terminal but will save this link for future use
Thank you for the fast response -
RE: Where to get fan fuses
Not to worry solved the problem. Made one up using a dupont terminal and wire
Thanks -
Where to get fan fuses
Does anyone know where I can get these?
They are fuses that go on the Fan Jumper pins on the Duet 2