Hello everyone!
I need help with a small problem that I'm facing in my development project. I'm trying different methods and approches to overcome the problem but I haven't achieved to find a workaround yet and it's probably due to my lack of knowledge regarding DuetFirmware.
About my project:
I have STM32 nucleo board and I'm using it as a full duplex SPI slave to communicate with my Duet3 MB6HC board. I want to send temperature data to my Duet board that i generated on my Nucleo and in the meantime i want to get target temperature data that i typed in on Duet-Webserver.
What i did so far:
I customised the ThermocoupleSensor31856 code in RepRapFirmware according to my needs and assigned my nucleo board as a heater to my tool. Currently i send temperature data to my Duet board and so far i can see the temp data on Webserver without a problem. But I want to read the target temperature from Duet board (Active or standby mode doesn't matter). Since i don't want to change the structure of the firmware so much, i want to keep everything in my customised Thermocouple class, if It's possible.
ThermocoupleSensor31856 has Poll() function in it and it's been used for sending and receiving data from the sensor. I use this command below to send data to Duet board.
static uint8_t dataOut[4] = {0x0C, myTargetTemp, targettemp_a , targettemp_b}; // myTargetTemp is the data i want to get from Duet and send over SPI
TemperatureError sts = DoSpiTransaction(dataOut, ARRAY_SIZE(dataOut), rawVal);
As simple enough, rawVal is what i receive from Nucleo board and dataOut is the array i send to Nucleo over SPI. After this, things get complicated.
i debugged and analysed the firmware as much as i can, and found couple of functions in which i can get the target temperature.
So far the best candidates that i can extract target temps are: Tool.cpp, Heat.cpp. and Reprap.cpp
I tried to do the same or similar ways to get the temp information just like how it is done in ReportToolTemperatures and SetToolHeaterActiveOrStandbyTemperature but no luck so far.
void RepRap::ReportToolTemperatures(const StringRef& reply, const Tool *tool, bool includeNumber) const noexcept
Doing Something...
Heat& heat = reprap.GetHeat();
char sep = ':';
for (size_t i = 0; i < tool->HeaterCount(); ++i)
const int heater = tool->GetHeater(i);
reply.catf("%c%.1f /%.1f", sep, (double)heat.GetHeaterTemperature(heater), (double)heat.GetTargetTemperature(heater));
sep = ' ';
I also try to get the target temp value in Tool (since i just have 1 tool heater and 1 bed heater). I initiliased a public variable called myTargetTemp(in Tool.h) and implemented it like this:
void Tool::SetToolHeaterActiveOrStandbyTemperature(size_t heaterNumber, float temp, bool active) THROWS(GCodeException)
Doing Something...
if (setHeater)
reprap.GetHeat().SetTemperature(heater, temp, active); // This is where the target temperature is actually passed on and set.
myTargetTemp = temp; // Defined variable by me in Tool.h
Main idea was to write the targettemp (temp variable here) to my variable and call that variable in thermocouple class. But i just read "0" from my variable.
Another approach that i thought of was to implement a function like this in thermocouple class and call that function in Poll() to get the updated target variable and pass it into spi tx buffer.
void ThermocoupleSensor31856::TargetTempReceive() THROWS(GCodeException)
//ReadLocker lock(toolListLock); // Requires FreeRtos
size_t i = 0;
const Tool * const currentTool = reprap.GetCurrentTool();
Heat& heat = reprap.GetHeat();
if(currentTool != nullptr){
i = 0;
int heater = currentTool->GetHeater(i);
targettemp_a = (uint8_t)heat.GetTargetTemperature(heater); // my 1. variable to read
throw GCodeException(-1, -1, "I throw error here in i=0");
i = 1;
heater = currentTool->GetHeater(i);
targettemp_b = (uint8_t)heat.GetTargetTemperature(heater); // my 2. variable to read
throw GCodeException(-1, -1, "I throw error here in i=1");
GCodeExceptions are there to understand if the currentTool is initialised or not because i was getting again zeros. And i noticed currentTool pointer was always a nullptr. There is definetly something here that i cannot get the addresses from GetCurrentTool() function.
One other thing: I tried to implement something like this in Poll() function:
targettemp_a = (uint8_t)reprap.GetCurrentTool()->GetToolHeaterActiveTemperature(i);
But with this line unfornately, whenever Duetboard tries to start up, the spi communication restarts itself and forces the board to initialise/boot up again and again.
This is all i tried so far, except for small things here and there.
Anyways, I tried to explain everything as much as possible. I hope it's enough to give you a rough idea what I'm trying to do. I can provide you with more information if it's needed. But from what i experienced, Im guessing I'm forgetting something very obvious in regard to firmware itself. Maybe forgetting something about pointers or maybe messing with the Rtos in a bad way but im out of ideas for now.
If there is a way or a workaround that i can use, it would be a great help!