I think something Burn on my beloved Duet Wiffi 2. (V1.03) Now when I power up the printer I do not see anymore the blue lights, the 5 V and 3V green lights are not full illuminated and the Wiffi do not connect. But if I connect the USB cable, all light turn ON and the wifii connect. In addition if I connect the USB while powering up, the PanelDue show a "Overpower" message (29v....).... ???!!!!
I happen after moving my PanelDue to a different location on the printer and in the same time connecting a brand new Creality BLTouch. My wiring for the BLTouch seem perfect (WHITE to ZProbe, The BLACK next to it to Zprobe ground// The RED to 5V PIN, the BLUE on the ground PIN and the YELLOW to the Signal PIN Heater 3). I have try to disconnect the BLTouch and the Screen but no change.
Badly I have found the Heatsink for the Z chips have detach and was touching the board. Maybe I have burn a voltage regulator...
Is it difficult to fix?
Thank you!