I have a Duet2 Ethernet, running RRF 2.05.1 and Euclid probe installed. Euclid is a switch on a magnet that can be docked and undocked.
I have my deploy and retract macros set up properly the best I can tell. I can do single point and four point probing for 3 screw levelling.
When I do the bed.g routine, it undocks and docks the probe for every single point. I'd understand if my M558 probe type was P9 but it's P5.
What can I do differently to reduce the excessive docking?
My config.g lines for the probe:
M574 Z1 S2
M558 P5 H8 F300 T9000 A3 S0.01
G31 P500 X3.2 Y34 Z7.7
My bed.g:
M561 ; clear any existing bed transform
G1 Z5 S2
G30 P0 X15 Y45 Z-99999
G30 P1 X15 Y275 Z-99999
G30 P2 X275 Y275 Z-99999
G30 P3 X275 Y45 Z-99999 S3
G1 X150 Y150 F5000 ; move the head to the corner (optional)
I suspect it's not needed but for good measure my deploy probe macro:
M564 H1 S0 ; Allow movement BEYOND axes boundaries (for X to reach probe dock)
G91 ; relative positioning
G0 H2 Z10 F1000 ; move Z 15 for clearance above dock.
G90 ; absolute positioning
G0 X20 Y270 F8000 ; move ot preflight position
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G0 X-12 Y291 F4000 ; move adjacent to probe dock location
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G0 X-12 Y300 F4000 ; move over dock
G4 P250 ; pause for pickup
G0 X30 Y300 F4000 ; slide probe out of dock - slowly at 300
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G0 X150 Y150 F8000 ; move to center of bed
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
M564 S1 ; Restrict movement to within axes boundaries (for normal Y movement)
retract macro:
G90 ; absolute positioning
M564 S0 ; allow movement outside the boundaries
G0 X50 Y300 F8000 ; move to the re-entry staging position
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G0 X30 Y300 F4000 ; move to the dock re-entry position
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G0 X-12 Y300 F4000 ; move into the dock position
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G4 P250 ; pause 250 usecs
G0 X-12 Y290 F4000 ; move to the side swipe off probe
G0 X20 Y270 F4000 ; move away from the dock
M400 ; wait for moves to finish
G0 X150.0 Y150.0 F4000 ; move to the center of the bed
M564 S1 ; set movement limit to axis boundaries