I have wired up as discussed but the fans don't run when tested. I think my logic must be wrong.

Posts made by johnmaundrell
RE: Connecting 5v pwm fans to duet mini 5+
RE: Connecting 5v pwm fans to duet mini 5+
@droftarts one is a
Noctua the other is a blurolls. I will set them up as you have advised this evening. The next step is to programme them that will no doubt challenge me a bit more. . Many thanks for your help. Regards John. -
RE: Connecting 5v pwm fans to duet mini 5+
@droftarts two at 0.1amp. The fans have 3 wires pos neg and signal I assume I use gnd voutc1 and the bottom pin.
RE: Connecting 5v pwm fans to duet mini 5+
@droftarts Thanks Ian I think I've got it. I will remove the jumper and connect the centre pin of 5v PWM to centre pin of low current output voltage select for out 3 and 4. Regards John
RE: Connecting 5v pwm fans to duet mini 5+
@oliof Thanks for your help. The guide says "You can supply a different voltage to the centre pin of the 3-pin jumper, pin VOUTLCx, to run fans at different voltages". This is the bit I am having difficulty with. How do I do this.
Connecting 5v pwm fans to duet mini 5+
Can anyone advise me how to connect 5v pwm 3 wire fans to a duet mini please.
RE: Baby stepping steps back.
@johnmaundrell Ahh I was thinking probe offset was only XY not Z as well!!!
RE: Baby stepping steps back.
@johnmaundrell I have to go out now but I will try again this evening thanks everyone so far for your help. I will gradually get a better understanding with your help. G31 is a good start.
RE: Baby stepping steps back.
@johnmaundrell M564 S0 dosent disable the axis position
RE: Baby stepping steps back.
@jay_s_uk I have tried this set up but it appears that after I set it all up it fails to save the data and then reverts back to the original setting. I can also only set it up in the homed position not in the centre of the bed.
RE: Baby stepping steps back.
@jay_s_uk Ok thanks understand that. Can you tell me which command sets the actual trigger height please.
RE: Baby stepping steps back.
@jens55 I dont really understand how the minimum Z value is noted in the code or the relationship between trigger height and minimum Z height. If you could explain this it would help many thanks.
Baby stepping steps back.
I am revamping a Prusa i3 I built about 5 years ago with a Duet wifi board and a Geeetech touch probe. I have forgotten most of what I learnt previously it would appear. I am having a problem with setting the z height. I have it adjusted to basically print but on the first layer the print head needs to be closer to the bed. When I baby step closer the head moves down momentarily then steps back to the original position. It wont lower permanently irrespective of the number of steps I make. When I calibrate the Z probe trigger height all goes well but I have a difficulty with para 10 as I dont appear to a have a "config-overide g" file. Any thoughts on where I'm going wrong?
Regards John. -
I am trying to instal a 3Dtouch to a Duet2 wifi V1.04 can you please direct me to a simple guide thankyou.