@gloomyandy Yes M122 does show an IP. So that is worth looking into but so far I cant find those settings on the Deco, I can bar devices but not specifically give them permission to join the mesh. I will keep looking.

Posts made by jmshep
RE: Duet Wi-Fi and Mesh Systems
RE: Duet Wi-Fi and Mesh Systems
@jay_s_uk Thanks for your reply. The Deco , and I assume most other mesh systems, work on both 2.4 and 5g and my devices that are only 2.4g work fine when connected to the mesh when the router wi-fi is disabled.
Duet Wi-Fi and Mesh Systems
I have been accessing DWC via Wi-Fi for some time without any problems. I recently installed a TP Link Deco E4 mesh system that works on both 2.4g & 5g to improve coverage throughout the house and it is working well.
I then disabled the Wi-Fi on the router and tried to set up the Duet on the new network using YAT. There where no apparent problems with the set up but DWC would not open despite everything looking ok in the router setup, including reserved IP and all other devices worked OK.
I tried forgetting all previous networks and selecting the IP manually and despite YAT returning the right connection details, nothing made any difference.
I have reinstated the 2.4g Wi-Fi on my router and reconfigured the Duet Wi-Fi and all is working again.
Although the current system works, I would like to have just the mesh running if I can so as to reduce chances of interference etc.
Is there a known issue with the Duet and mesh systems?Duet 2 WiFi 3.2.2
Wifi Server 1.25
DWC 3.2.2I would be grateful for any input.
John S -
RE: Aluminium Vs steel for structural parts
A lot has been said about material properties and surface finish etc but I really think you should consider adding to your toolbox. I would suggest that a minimum would be some good measuring and marking out tools, a dill press, files and a good hacksaw. The jigsaw is a roughing out tool at best when dealing with aluminium or steel. If you are not confident with filing, a small linisher or belt sander will not break the bank. The investment in some half decent tools will offset cost of the waste material and poor accuracy you will encounter otherwise. Oh, and aluminium would be my choice of material.
Good luck. -
RE: Poor print quality with RRF3 - especially 3.2.2.
I have experienced very similar problems that came out of the blue. I had updated to 3.2 but I had not printed anything with high sides and sharp corners immediately after the upgrade and apart from adhesion issues and warping that sometimes happens anyway, I did not suspect the upgrade to 3.2 and nothing else had changed. I did wonder if the new PID tuning had something to do with it but like Deckingman, my temperature graphs were normal
After trying adjustment to all the usual suspects for this type of thing, I noticed that my part cooling nozzle, that had worked ok on similar prints for some considerable time, was not perhaps covering the corner as well as it should. Along with small tweaks to temperatures etc and a new cooling nozzle (with the same fan) everything came into place.
I was amazed how such minor changes had such a marked effect. I have printed with much wider variations of parameters in the past without serious problems.
I cannot speculate on why this happened and I just hope that my printer has not become over sensitive to minor variations for some reason! I watch with interest in the hope that there is a plausible explanation. I feel a 'downgrade' coming on.
DSCF7522.JPG -
RE: Easier to use Software
Having started this off I feel I should now comment.
- I t looks as if there is a sufficient degree of support for what I said about having dedicated software for 3d printing and I would suggest it is worth serious consideration.
- My point about frequent updates to correct errors is evidenced by the recent need to introduce 3.2.2 (just an example of many)
- For those that think that a FDM 3d printer and a 'CNC' machine can be dual purpose, they need to move into the real world. A previous post explains this.
- Taking a poll of posts on this forum, it is clear that the vast majority are related to FDM 3D printing.
- Taking the same poll, nearly all are asking for help for various problems. surely it can be seen that this is not good. It would be nice to have more sharing of ideas, good practice etc but it appears people are too busy fault finding than having time for printing.
- When I look at the prints I produced in my early days of 3d printing, with more primitive control board, there are some good examples and little if any difference with what I am producing now. ( I should qualify that by saying my prints match up well with others I have seen.
- I like the versatility of the Duet but the cost of that versatility is becoming much greater than the benefits.
- Having said all that, judging by comments from 'the developers', I am not holding my breath for a change in direction.
Easier to use Software
First of all, this is not a rant and I hope what I think is constructive. If I am not on the right lines please feel free to enlighten me and put me back in my box.
I have been a Duet 2 Wi-Fi and DWC user for some time now and I think I have working understanding of what I need to know to get my cartesian printer working and have kept up to date with firmware changes (now on 3.2). However, I am increasingly frustrated by the fact that each time there is an update, within days, or so it seems, there is yet another edition to add features that I am never going to use, correct faults with the last one and require me to make changes to my config.g.
Judging by some of the cries for help, that are handled by just a handful of contributors to whom we should be thankful, many people are in the same boat as me in that they just want a system that works without unnecessary complications getting in the way.
Would it be possible to have a stable 3D print version of the software and strip out functions relating to esoteric printers and CNC so that the whole thing has far less dependencies and compromises? I suspect CNC users would welcome a similar arrangement.
For those that need the extra functionality there is always the Duet 3 with its expansion boards and RasPi. (takes me back to RAMPS).
RE: New stable firmware bundle 3.2 released
Upgraded from 3.2RC and all went well except my webcam settings in DWC were corrupted. Amended missing / additional text and now working as before.
RE: System File Colours
Just upgraded from 3.2RC to 3.2 and file listings are now in colour.
RE: Crimp Tool Engineer PA21 for Duet 3 IO_n ?
I have both ratchet crimpers and an Engineer PA21. Although the PA21 might seem expensive and simple, it is the better of the two. Despite it being a two step process, I get a higher success rate with it.
A good crimp is very reliable but it is important to use the right cable , good quality connectors and the correct size die, so a bit of research is needed first. Most safety critical electrical / electronic equipment use crimp connectors for reliability but crimping with pliers and adding a blob of solder as advocated by some is not recommended!
RE: System File Colours
Thank you both for your replies.
If understand correctly, the colour display has been disabled in DWC for touch devices (which I don't have).
The description of the 'Code Snippet' tool explains why I don't see my normal file listings in colour on my PC monitor
and I am not missing out on a feature. -
RE: System File Colours
It has not worked on any previous versions, the one installed before 3.2 was 3.1.1
RE: System File Colours
But I had this problem before I updated to 3.2 RC2. Is there a setting to allow file listing to be in colour after the apparent problem is fixed?
System File Colours
Not really a problem but when system files are posted on the forum, many are in colour. Mine are all in B&W is there a reason for this?
Duet 2 WiFi, DWC and firmware 3.2 RC2
RE: Fans not working Duet 2 wifi
Don't forget that the fans used for this application are usually 'brushless' and you will probably get a very high reading with the probes connected one way and infinity when connected the other way round.
BTW my fan issue turned out to be a connector problem. -
RE: Duet IR-Sensor stopped working
Is that heat damage on the back of the pcb in the vicinity of the IR emitter?
In any event, It might be worth checking the voltage across the IR emitter, it might even be possible to see if it is working by looking at it with a phone camera (I check TV remotes that way) -
RE: Fans not working Duet 2 wifi
I had a strange incident of a fan not working recently. The cooling fan on my hot end stopped working after running ok for some time. I took it off and connected it to an external power supply and it worked fine. I tried it on an 'always on' connection on the Duet and it still did not work. Fitted a new fan and it now works as before. I do not know what has gone wrong with the old fan for it to stop working with the Duet board.
RE: IR-Prome not working
Have you disabled the Z endstop? You need to do this if using the probe connecter.
Adding M574 Z0 P"nil" in the endstop section worked for me.JOHN s
Solution to Connection Problems?
I have been having intermittent connection problems with my Duet2WiFi. After entering the IP address the bowser would show "Duet2 Web Control" but not go any further.
The penny dropped that it probably started after I had a Sky TV box installed. The Sky box acts as a WiFi repeater by default, Disabling the 2.4gh WiFi repeater on the box, which I did not need, seems to have cured my problems.
There have been several posts about connection problems and hope that may help.
John S
RE: WiFi Settings Help Please
I tried the file you suggested but unfortunately it didn't solve the problem. After starting from scratch and methodically going through the firmware install procedure again I noticed that the diag. led was staying on when expected it to be off. Fearing I had corrupted the board, I decided to try installing RRF3 as a last resort. Low and behold it worked!
I am now converting my config.g file,
so far its not as arduous as I thought.Thanks again for taking the trouble to reply, to be able to contact someone with your knowledge is invalable.
John S