@jay_s_uk ,
Mate, thanks for your reply, don't take too much notice of some of the other stuff you see here as I am still getting everything sorted!
Cable used for CAN is 1 twisted pair, shielded drag chain cable.
The yellow and white wires shown in the photos at the toolboard end are not connected, simply tucked into the heatshrink.
The polarity of the Can cable is good (CAN-H, CAN-L).
I have checked the resistance of the cable and although I can't remember the numbers off the top of my head, it was good.
The pad for the 120 ohm jumper has been soldered and tested ok.
The same eror message as M121 also comes up on the paneldue on power up.
The only other thing I have done is connect a ground on the toolboard with a 100K resistor to the metalwork of the hot end. There is no change when this is disconnected.
I'm wondering if I don't have the correct firmware on the mainboard?
07/02/2023, 20:04:27 M122
=== Diagnostics ===
RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ version 3.4.4 (2022-10-20 16:18:28) running on Duet 3 Mini5plus WiFi (standalone mode)
Board ID: VT6JG-F196U-D65J0-40KM0-NG03Z-ZLKP6
Used output buffers: 1 of 40 (40 max)
=== RTOS ===
Static ram: 103684
Dynamic ram: 109788 of which 72 recycled
Never used RAM 28168, free system stack 196 words
Tasks: NETWORK(notifyWait,13.8%,223) HEAT(notifyWait,0.0%,358) Move(notifyWait,0.0%,363) CanReceiv(notifyWait,0.0%,817) CanSender(notifyWait,0.0%,336) CanClock(delaying,0.0%,348) TMC(notifyWait,0.7%,115) MAIN(running,78.6%,411) IDLE(ready,6.1%,30) AIN(delaying,0.8%,265), total 100.0%
Owned mutexes: WiFi(NETWORK)
=== Platform ===
Last reset 00:04:08 ago, cause: power up
Last software reset at 2023-02-06 11:47, reason: User, GCodes spinning, available RAM 27860, slot 0
Software reset code 0x0003 HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x00000000 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x00000000 Task MAIN Freestk 0 n/a
Error status: 0x04
Aux0 errors 0,0,0
MCU revision 3, ADC conversions started 248749, completed 248749, timed out 0, errs 0
Step timer max interval 1488
MCU temperature: min 26.2, current 36.2, max 36.2
Supply voltage: min 24.4, current 24.5, max 24.6, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes
Heap OK, handles allocated/used 0/0, heap memory allocated/used/recyclable 0/0/0, gc cycles 0
Events: 0 queued, 0 completed
Driver 0: standstill, SG min 0, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 9, reads 13061, writes 9, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0, CC errors 0
Driver 1: standstill, SG min 0, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 11, reads 13059, writes 11, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0, CC errors 0
Driver 2: standstill, SG min 0, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 11, reads 13059, writes 11, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0, CC errors 0
Driver 3: standstill, SG min 0, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 11, reads 13059, writes 11, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0, CC errors 0
Driver 4: standstill, SG min 0, read errors 0, write errors 0, ifcnt 9, reads 13061, writes 9, timeouts 0, DMA errors 0, CC errors 0
Driver 5: not present
Driver 6: not present
Date/time: 2023-02-07 20:04:24
Cache data hit count 440142668
Slowest loop: 13.89ms; fastest: 0.13ms
=== Storage ===
Free file entries: 10
SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 22.5MBytes/sec
SD card longest read time 3.3ms, write time 0.0ms, max retries 0
=== Move ===
DMs created 83, segments created 0, maxWait 0ms, bed compensation in use: none, comp offset 0.000
=== MainDDARing ===
Scheduled moves 0, completed 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1
=== AuxDDARing ===
Scheduled moves 0, completed 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1
=== Heat ===
Bed heaters 0 -1 -1 -1, chamber heaters -1 -1 -1 -1, ordering errs 0
=== GCodes ===
Segments left: 0
Movement lock held by null
HTTP is idle in state(s) 0
Telnet is idle in state(s) 0
File is idle in state(s) 0
USB is idle in state(s) 0
Aux is idle in state(s) 0
Trigger is idle in state(s) 0
Queue is idle in state(s) 0
LCD is idle in state(s) 0
SBC is idle in state(s) 0
Daemon is idle in state(s) 0
Aux2 is idle in state(s) 0
Autopause is idle in state(s) 0
Code queue is empty
=== CAN ===
Messages queued 2217, received 1990, lost 0, boc 0
Longest wait 0ms for reply type 0, peak Tx sync delay 6, free buffers 18 (min 17), ts 1244/1243/0
Tx timeouts 0,0,0,0,0,0
=== Network ===
Slowest loop: 21.41ms; fastest: 0.00ms
Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0)
HTTP sessions: 1 of 8
= WiFi =
Network state is active
WiFi module is connected to access point
Failed messages: pending 0, notready 0, noresp 0
WiFi firmware version 1.27
WiFi MAC address f0:08:d1:03:82:5d
WiFi Vcc 3.44, reset reason Power up
WiFi flash size 2097152, free heap 25976
WiFi IP address
WiFi signal strength -39dBm, mode 802.11n, reconnections 0, sleep mode modem
Clock register 00002002
Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M122 B121,
M122 B121
Error: M122: Response timeout: CAN addr 121, req type 6024, RID=15