=topiolm@hotmail.com]Dear Jacksat
Very nice build !!!!! I also thought of using a much bigger airpump , but the cost is fairly steep , after all the testing I did , using compressed air is best for small parts as for biger parts the fans work beter of course it depends how much air you have available , during my testing i managed to use both and that gives really nice result , quick cooling near the nozzle and even cooling on the rest of the part .
I really like you water cooling , you have a much heavier build then me , I used the same material as the ultimaker 2 to build my printer , it s a much lighter build ,
Do do have an idea how much extra weight it adds on the head ?
At the moment i am rebuilding my printer from a dubbel direct driven printhead to 4 direct driven.
On 2 heads i had no troble to go up to 70 a 75mm/s printspeed befor the printer start to walk arround on the bench ,but i print mostly on 40 a 50 mm/s.
The printer is so sturdy(stupidly overbuild) that when you go at these high speeds you don't see anything in the prints ,so the wheight is not the limiting factor.
The dubbel head weight is arround :280g x2 for the pancakes ,80g x2 for the Titans and 200g -250g for the hotends, heatblocks and carriage.
So that's very, very heavy , and you can easely dubbel that for the 4 head version.All the above + 2 servo's.
If that becomes to heavy i will go to a 2 direct and 2 bowden setup.
I use syncroflex T2.5 belts instead of the cheap black T2 "rubberbands", that made a huge differce ,all steppers are monted on vibration dampers ,that makes the
printer a bit quieter ,but in my mind i think also less accurate on X and Y ,not a problem on the Z axes.
The watercooling does not add any extra weight i think comparred with a stock schroud and fan.(maybe the silicon hoses in the cable chain)
It is just 2 rubber O rings and a piece of polycabonte 30 mm/out 24 mm/inner dia tube and silicone hose.
Just it is alot quieter than fans.
And do you get resonance to the frame from those big fans from the cooling bloque ?
Don't really understand this one ,if you mean the fan on the radiator on the back off the printer ,then no.
This fan does not even need run on 2 heaterblocks ,i can keep the temp solid up to 235C on a 6 hour ABS print.
The coolant temp went up only by 12Β°C from ambiant temp ,but i will need the fan when i will run 4 heatblocks (i think).
But for the moment i get away with only 1 fan running and that is to cool the drivers on the Duet
It is a very silent Noctua NF-F12 industrialPPC-24V-3000 Q100 IP67 PWM
I am not sure but from ur pictures looks like I using like a buildtalk on you table , I am wondering how good is the result with the dc42 ir prob ? I am using the prob and got a buildtalk plate but have not tried it yet
Good eye ,no problems with the Buildtak and DC's probe.
Best regards