figured it out, it was also a strange setting that was in simplify3d. printing well so far, the true test will start tonight.

Latest posts made by Hal
RE: Homing Issues
RE: Homing Issues
now it seems like for what ever reason the bed moves down a bit (~.05 to 1mm) after the purge happens....why do my issues keep growing. ehhhhhhhhhh.
Z Gap adjusts after purge for no known reason
I am having yet another issue....(ehhhhhh)
After Bed compensation and I purge my nozzle for a bit... my bed moves down about 1mm or so and causes a large gap between the bed and nozzle. The problem is my Z Gap is set and looks good, so I know that this is not my Z0 this has to be some other process running after the purge of the nozzle occurs. The only thing is I am not sure where that Gcode resides.
here is a video of my issue:
and here is a picture of my Z gap at Z0:
Paper is tight but not to tight against the paper.
If I were to do this during the print the paper would not even make contact with the nozzle.
any help would be appreciated
RE: Homing Issues
alright down to 1 error homing error is still happening but auto bed leveling is running as expected.
I invoked the Bed.g file using M32 command.
maybe my issue is in the bed.g file now.
RE: Homing Issues
should I even have that much in here as the Bed.g file should be called, or is that invoked from S3d?
RE: Homing Issues
Well I figured out the M280 command error, it seems like I set my S3D to use P0 instead of P3, so made the change and boom no more M280 error.
I am still getting the homing errors and the M29 error.
maybe those errors are also causing my other errors, so here is my s3d start and stop process.
start gcode from s3d
M280 P3 S160 ; BLTouch alarm release G4 P100 ; delay for BLTouch G28 ; home G29 ; auto bed leveling G1 X0 Y5 Z0.2 F3000 ; get ready to prime G92 E0 ; reset extrusion distance G1 X250 E20 F600 ; prime nozzl
end gcode from s3d
M104 S0 ; turn off extruder M140 S0 ; turn off bed G28 X Y ; home x and y axes M84 ; disable motors
thanks for any help.
RE: Homing Issues
@phaedrux said in Homing Issues:
Are you manually calling M401 and M402 anywhere?
Yes in my bed.g file
RE: Homing Issues
@phaedrux said in Homing Issues:
But you still get a homing failed error along with the servo error?
Funny enough I did not, and i only get the servo error if i try to print.
RE: Homing Issues
Probe deploys, bed moves up, hits probe, the probe retracts, then the z axis moves down a few mm for clearance. I believe this is the correct process.
I did have to home x and y before I could issue the G30 command
RE: Homing Issues
It is all good I caught it before it even touched the bed. So I do not believe that I am Not Not inverted.
goodness I am not sure what this is.
Here is my homeall.g:
G28 X ;home x G28 Y ;home y G90 G1 X150 Y150 F4000 G30 ; Do a single probe to home our Z axis