So I figured it out. My starting script was breaking things. For single extrusion (tool T0) it looks like this.
M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; set bed temp no wait
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] ; set extruder temp no wait
G28 ; home all
G1 Z250 Y-140 F6000; Lower nozzle for easy wiping of ooze
M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp
That will start warming the bed and hotend and then home, then drop the head to a reachable location in relation to where I'm sitting at my desk. What I had to do was add tool 2 (T1) into the mix for temp setting.
M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; set bed temp no wait
M104 T0 S[extruder0_temperature] ; set tool 0 hotend temp no wait
M104 T1 S[extruder1_temperature] ; set tool 1 hotend temp no wait
G28 ; home all
G1 Z250 Y-140 F6000; Lower nozzle for easy wiping of ooze
M109 T0 S[extruder0_temperature] ; wait for tool 0 hotend temp
M109 T1 S[extruder1_temperature] ; wait for tool 1 hotend temp
M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; wait for bed temp
I just added the last two m109 commands, so I have to test them to confirm they don't mess with anything.... but without them the tool changed happened correctly and I'm currently printing.

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RE: Temp going to zero at tool change
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RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
It does help, thanks. I’ve not noticed any Z issues that I thought were from microstepping. I’d just always heard the “magic Z height” for printers to utilize full step increments as being desirable. I’ll just say eff it and keep letting KISSLICER do a brilliant job of using dynamic layer height.
Thanks again everyone. Trying to work out a replacement linear rail solution for the X axis to remove some artifacts and then I think this printer will be quite brilliant.
RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
@droftarts not sure exactly what the screw is for the Z. Was just told it was a double threaded rod with 8TPI. I’m not versed on them or how to identify what is what.
My interpretation was always that it was simply easier/more precise for the stepper to hold place on a full step. But that’s entirely based on my limited knowledge of steppers and the implementation of microstepping.
RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
Quick question that I didn’t find the answer to.
A full step on my Z is 0.0158mm. So is it best to leave that number as is or better to just round up to 0.016? I didn’t know how the firmware handles decimal places. Same thing for the slicer....utilize multiples of 0.0158 or just use multiples of 0.016?
RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
@Phaedrux thanks for everybody’s help. I went ahead and knocked out a quick test print and all looks good. It looks like the duet is removing the artifacts I was experiencing with the stock Rambo board. More testing to confirm, I will play with it more tonight after I get back home from work.
I forgot that I plan on running the quick 9 point mesh at the start of every print so no need to reload the height map. But good to know if I decide to remove that from my starting process. Thanks again everybody.
RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
After bed mesh is complete do I need to reload the height map after a reboot of the board?
RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
Can someone give a brief explanation of the deviation and error results?
RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
More specifically “error m557: bad grid definition: Y range too small”
RE: Duet Maestro in MakerGear M3
@Phaedrux it said the Y value too small