Hi Joergs,
Sorry for picking this forum so late. I am picking up 5-axis work again soon.
The RobotViewer sounds really useful plugin for DWC & Open5x, especially to avoid the collision!
I will get my hands on it soon and share the progress!

Posts made by Freddiester
RE: Open5x
RE: 5-axis 3D printer on Prusa i3
@o_lampe I picked i3 hardware because it's common and inexpensive. I have another machine built into coreXY but they work quite similar in principal. I assume it is harder to implement the kinematics on delta.
RE: 5-axis 3D printer on Prusa i3
@raffacnc Hello, excited to hear that you are also working on 5-axis printing. I expect that the Github repository will go public and you can download the grasshopper definition and try!
5-axis 3D printer on Prusa i3
I recently designed 5-axis conversion on Prusa i3 Hardware.
This is based on Duet2 board + duex5. The total price of conversion was roughly around £400 including the boards but excluding 3D printing and the CAD license.
Still have few areas for improvement and some more techniques that could be implemented.
But here it is!Conformal slicing was done using Grasshopper on Rhino 3D.
All the configuration and script file, STL will be shared on Github very soon! It would be great to have various contributions from more usersMore on the link :
RE: Hello! has anyone used duet for other purposes? like artwork?
Hi Ian,
Thank you so much for your in depth reply! I now understand better about the board and am quite excited about the strength and the expandability of this thing! I look forward to put my hands on them soon!
F -
RE: Hello! has anyone used duet for other purposes? like artwork?
Thank you for the reply! I understand that G-code can control motors for any kind of motions. I just wanted to know if people tried to control it without, for example like hooking it with the xbox controller.
RE: Hello! has anyone used duet for other purposes? like artwork?
Thank you, I look forward to sharing the projects here! -
RE: Hello! has anyone used duet for other purposes? like artwork?
I may have had some mistake with my description, but what I meant was that I want to understand if it is possible to control stepper motors without the G-code.I think example of something similar is as the video below:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHAO7SW-SZIhope this is clearer! thank you!
RE: Hello! has anyone used duet for other purposes? like artwork?
woww what a project! I am glad to hear that you like the duet board!
Nice documentation of your projects on your website also! Thank you! -
Hello! has anyone used duet for other purposes? like artwork?
Hi Guys,
I am new to the Duet community. I have background in architecture and design engineering.
I have been building kinetic installations and machines using ramps board but now I am planning to implent Duet boards for my future projects.
I am excited to make this transition after reading posts from the forum and the descriptions of the board.I am looking to make new combined IDEX + Direct Ink printer as well as some art works for other side projects.
So my first question to the community is, is it possible to use the Duet board without a firmware? like arduino + ramps to simply control stepper motors recevice serial informations and etc? I think it woule be amazing if I can connect Duet2 to expansion board and utilise all stepper motors to create kinetic art installations.
Examples of my previous projects are below, I hope this helps you understand what kind of works I am doing.
I made xbox controller to control hot wire cutter:
project descriptionand also Kinetic sound installation:
project documentationThank you! I hope you enjoy looking at the project!
I look forward to posting works in the community and share informations with the other users and developers