@dc42 great, thank you!

Latest posts made by ersin
RE: What does "optimised for" in the temp sensor specs mean?
@dc42 understood, thank you for clarifying.
Can you shed a little more light onto why 4.7K resistors aren't ideal for reading PT1000 sensors? Or point me in the right direction toward a good resource that might explain it in more depth?
What does "optimised for" in the temp sensor specs mean?
In the specs for the Duet 3 Mini 5+, it says that the temperature sensor inputs are "optimised for 100K thermistors and PT1000 sensors."
What does "optimised for" mean here? Aren't the settings for all temp sensors configured via firmware? Is there some kind of hardwired bias in favor of these particular sensors?
Wifi and networking chips
What are the wifi and Ethernet chipsets used in Duet's boards? I'm thinking specifically of:
- Duet 3 6HC
- Duet 3 Mini 5+ WiFi
- Duet 3 Mini 5+ Ethernet
- Duet 2 Maestro
- Duet 2 WiFi
- Duet 2 Ethernet
I see the brand "ESPRESSIF" faintly printed on some low-res photos of some boards. Would be helpful to know exactly which make/model is being used.