Extrusion control buttons 'Retract' and 'Extrude' are greyed out after RC6. Even when the hotend is hot. While /reprap.htm is working fine.

Posts made by EDH
RE: Duet Web Control 2.0.0-RC6
Filament sensor status
Is it possible to show the status of the filament sensor switch in webinterface? I expected it to be in the Machine status section.
RE: Umo+ PSU for a duet3d?
Do you have a working config file for the UM? and do you want to share it.
RE: Duet Wifi Stock
I'm using the Duet Wifi on my Hypercube, it's much much better than the RAMPS i was using.
Will you share the config files for the hypercube? I build one and waiting for the duet at this moment. With my ramps it printed fine but i think the duet will show off real good prints.