Hi David,
Thank you, I really appreciate your answer ! It seems to me like you don't see any problems at all.. For a beginner like me though, it generates a couple follow-up questions.
Sending polar gcode; Is this a matter of finding a CAM tool that supports designating polar axes to the tool paths, and that generates gcode accordingly? If so, would you consider this or cartesian gcode the most professional and hassle free, once I get going?
Will the duet also handle the 4th axis, called indexer in the article ?
Would you recommend a controller software for controlling the CNC and sending gcode to Duet?
I apologize for any questions that doesn't make any sense.
By the way, does any co troller software that works with Duet work with spi dle motor control, that is controlling the on/off and rpm of the spindle motor ?
Thanks again,