@Th0mpy How are you getting on with the FLY SB2040? I was looking at one of these due to its form factor.

Posts made by EdChamberlain
RE: RP2040 Compilation error
RE: Is it possible to put 3 motors on one driver?
@Danal Do you have a reason for that? Thats what I am actually currently using but alignment / calibration of that is a nightmare
RE: Is it possible to put 3 motors on one driver?
@Danal My actual goal? Its to drive 3 motors for Z without having to buy an expansion board.
Since this is a Z axis I dont need much speed or current on the motors so I suspect it would be ok.
My z is lifted by 3 Z motors with the idea being that I can convert that to 3 independant drives later on for ABL but currently I cant afford the extra board / want to prove out the Z axis first before I go and buy another dueX.
RE: Is it possible to put 3 motors on one driver?
@bearer This is for a Z axis so speed is not really my priority here. I guess it would work acceptably.
Is it possible to put 3 motors on one driver?
We obviously have two headers on the Z driver allowing dual Z motors (i3 style) to be connected. Is is possible to connect 3 Z motors to the one driver? If so how would you go about doing that?
How does the G2/G3 R command work?
Ive been playing around with G2 / G3 arc commands and I've hit an odd issue. Ive been using the command:
G3 X100.0 Y150.0 R50.0 E0.0
to try and draw an arc from from (X150.0 Y100.0) to (X100.0 Y150.0) in a circle with radius 50. In my understanding it should rotate the head around the centre point 100, 100 but in practise the centre point of rotation is off. It seems to make the circle smaller and move the centre point towards the arc segment.
If I replace the g2 command with:
G3 X100.0 Y150.0 I-50 J0 E0.0
it works perfectly.
Am I missing something here?
RRF Support for PINDA Probe
Hi, I just picked up a PINDA probe (the one Prusa uses on its printers) with the intention of using it as an NPN inductive sensor. The problem with inductive sensors is that the heat from the bed can cause the trigger point to drift somewhat and affect your measurement accuracy.
The interesting feature of the PINDA is that it has an internal thermistor to allow temperature compensation which works by adding an extra connection (4 wires instead of the usual 3). In theory the probe connector could be replaced with two separate connectors: one for the NPN inductive sensor and a second for this thermistor output allowing the sensor to be connected to the Probe port and the thermistor to be connected to a spare thermistor channel.
If this could be done is there any support for compensating probe measurement against probe temperature in RRF like the prusa printers do?
RE: Support for Fusion360 probing macros when running as a CNC?
@bearer perhaps it is workable with that. I’ve never actually tried but can you do maths in macros? E.g. if I take 2 probe points can I calculate the orientation of the part to be milled and then set that with G10 (I think) or is that not possible.
I can’t remember the exact Gcode that the post spits out when you use the probing and I’m not at my pc right now although I think it’s something weird like P348.1.9 or similar depending on the probe macro to be used. The industrial controllers are expecting these macro calls though as they have a macro package installed on them so it’s not a standard gcode. The macros then complete their process such as touching off 2 points on an edge and then calculate the part rotation. Or probe 4 points in a bore to find a centre point.
I assume I could happily change the post however to spit out almost anything or do a find and replace on the Gcode to replace it with something duet friendly.
Support for Fusion360 probing macros when running as a CNC?
I’ve built 3 duet based printers now and basically refuse to use anything else because of how good it is. My next project is a CNC and I’m trying to work out what controller to use - ideally I’d like to use the duet but with external drivers. (I’d probably use the built in drivers to power auxiliary steppers around the machine or something)
One key requirement I have is to use a spindle probe for billet locating and probing in second ops (XYZC) and also using a tool setting probe to set tool length. Are these features supported in RepRap firmware?
I’d love to be able to use the fusion360 probing tools but I think these only support calls to the renishaw macros. Would it be possible to get these working on the duet?
Max / optimal step rate for CoreXY
I’m sure this question has been asked to death but I can’t find a clear answer. My understanding is the maximum step rate of the duet is 360kHz but that is only for a single motor at a time.
I’m running a CoreXY setup with 4 motors running continuously: A, B, Z, and E. My printer has a belt loop between the motor and the actual CoreXY belt paths so I can adjust the two pulleys on that loop to adjust a gearing ratio between the motor and CoreXY system and I’m looking to tune that.
What would be the maximum step rate the duet can output in this setup? Is it as simple as dividing max step rate (360kHz) by 4?
And what would be the optimal step rate? I don’t want to be running on the limit all the time so is there a value (I’ve heard 50kHz thrown around) that would be an optimal step rate for each motor?
Thanks for any help!
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
Seems to be all updated! Thanks a lot.
Now just to build the rest of the printer....!
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
I find that page somewhat confusing! Am I right just going straight to 2.02 or do i need to go via 2.0?
So upload DuetWiFiServer-1.21.bin and Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin ?
What about DuetWebControl-1.22.3.zip?
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
Do I just drop the binary into the web updater and let it work some magic or are there some more steps?
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
My current setup is:
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Firmware Version: 1.21 (2018-03-21)
WiFi Server Version: 1.21
Web Interface Version: 1.22.6Im not sure if those versions are all correct as I cant find version numbers on the releases page. Is it worth moving up to 2.X yet?
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
@dc42 The duet is up and running again! I never thought it would work again. Thanks a ton for the help.
I am having a slightly strange issue with the web interface though. Wherever there are SDcard contents on display it will load the contents repeatedly in the list. The lists listing things like macros or gcodes just keep growing repeating the contents of the SD card.
I only have one Gcode (test.g) and it just keeps loading it over and over as fast as it can so the list is effectively endless! See example: https://imgur.com/a/yCz6RWn
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
@voodoobane Youre Right! I forgot to flash the firmware to the wifi board (Doh!). Have done that now and can confirm after forgetting my wifi password a few times it is now working! I can accsess the DWC and will now assume it is fully working.
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
@dc42 I loaded up the duet with a clean SD card and soldered on an ESP-12S to the pads.
When running through the tutorial to get set up (https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Guide/1.)+Getting+Connected+to+your+Duet/7) I can get through to the stage where I send M552. The board responds with "WiFi module is being started". Im going to assume this means it cant find the wifi module / it isnt working. Would that be correct?
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
@dc42 The SD card is long gone! I have no idea if it worked but this duet went in a draw for almost 6 months after I broke it and I'm only now getting round to seeing if it can be saved.
I've ordered an ESP12S - lets see what happens!
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
Would it be a challenge to convert this board to wifi instead of back to ethernet? I can pick up an ESP8266MOD board pretty cheap - would something like this work: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESP8266MOD-ESP8266-12-ESP-12-ESP-12F-ESP8266-WIFI-wireless-module-32Mbit-Flash-Memory-AI-THINKER/32947874794.html?
RE: Duet wifi 24 V short - Ethernet Module VERY hot.
Thanks dc, will give it a go. I don’t have a printer config on this duet (it was new) or a machine I can really test it on but will see what I can do / see if a friend can lend me their machine!
What would be the key things to test if I get this running through the usb?