Ok, I'm still processing all this but it seems to be working. As usual operator error. Thanks to dc42 for providing me with enough information to figure out my mistake on the FSR and StephenRC for the homing issue.

1. Had endstop plugged into E1 not E0 my stupidity and maybe a bit of dyslexia as I get tired.
….....as viewed on board
E1-Therm E0-Therm E1-Stop [E0-Stop] X-Stop Y-Stop Z-Stop

2. But I had to change I1 (low) to I0 (high) to get it to work but I thought this had to be inverted (low) to work. Not going to question it at the moment will dig into it later to understand my error in thinking.

The following is the current LED action and seems correct:
Now it's green light JohnSL….red light duet when not triggered
red light JohnSL....off at duet when triggered

and the G30 and G32 cmds appear to be working.

Hopefully, I've now got this animal working correctly and I can revert back to reading posts and not making them.

Thanks to All, its been a big help and learning process.

