Sorry for the late reply, I was a little stressed. I think the second option would be just right for my purposes. Then I'll just wait and see. Thank you both for the feedback
Regrads Ralf
Sorry for the late reply, I was a little stressed. I think the second option would be just right for my purposes. Then I'll just wait and see. Thank you both for the feedback
Regrads Ralf
Thanks for the feedback. The tension-free state of the axle is enough for me. Because after a job and after the set time has elapsed, the Duet Board switches the stepper to idle mode. This condition would be just right for me. Can I call this on a pin with a script?
The Z axis will be addressed at some point. Either for a direct movement or to hold the stepper. Idle would be interesting for me. So the point in time when the stepper is no longer addressed, for example at the end of the order.
Currently I only want to have a visual recognition of the running Z axis. Later on, access to the machine should only be released when the Z axis is no longer working.
Hello, everyone. I have a question that may be very unusual, but I haven't been able to find any information about it yet. I use a Duet 2 Wifi and a Duex5 and would like to be signaled with an LED when the Z stepper is activated.So whenever the stepper receives a signal, I would like to control it with an LED. Is that possible somehow?