Thanks for all the pointers. I will take a look!
Thanks for all the pointers. I will take a look!
@deckingman said in How do I wire 4 Z stepper motors?:
@diesel1 For info, I too have a 400x400 bed which is 12mm thick aluminium tooling plate plus 12mm of insulation plus 6mm of glass. I drive this with a single Nema 17 via 3 screws and a continuous belt. So mechanically, it's possible to lift that bed without resorting to using 4 motors. Just saying.......
I was thinking of driving 4 screws with the 2 motors using belts. Can you give some more information on your drive-train please?
Hi all,
I wish to use 4 stepper motors for my Z drive as my bed is quite large (420x420mm) and I am having some issues with driving the Z axis. This does not involve bed levelling, I will do that manually.
I am confused about how to wire the steppers. I currently have 2 motors running from the dual Z connectors. Can I simply wire 2 motors into each connector or should I use E1 to drive the second pair of steppers?
I have looked at some stepper wiring diagrams and am now more confused than ever!
Any advice and guidance would be very welcome.
Thanks in advance,