@andymidtf - Very interested in this topic. I'm doing a DIY CNC Plasma table and was planning to use a spare Mach3 controller. Now, I have 2x 3DPs with DuetWiFi (Duet 2 series) controllers and a spare controller. I recalled that some Duet users were using CNC router and CNC laser, so I did a quick search and found this. This post is a tad old and I'm wondering what progress you or other's have made. At the moment, I just upgraded my torch to a non-HF blowback model. Approx 4-5 years ago I tried the HF Arc Pilot torch with Mach3 and EMI was too much. So, giving this a go.. one more time.

Latest posts made by ddt154
RE: Advice on adding plasma torch height control
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
Status Update: fixed
So hit the R4 and R5 2k2 resistors, D3 sb diode, and output pins with soldering iron. Worked for awhile and then stopped transmitting again, like before. I then removed these resistors and diode and then bridged over where the 2k2 resistors were and voila, PanelDue is working.
So I tested the 2k2 resistors and they are ok, however SB diode seems to be the culprit in this case.
I'll keep you posted if this arises again.
Many thanks for your help
-Drew -
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
interesting - I discovered panel can receive data from Duet. Using WiFi/Web interface I did a print and noticed on the panel that it is getting print status. Ie Temperature readings. But yet on the Panel, it shows I have 4x extruders, but on DuetWiFi.. it is programmed for 1. I'm going to hit the pins with soldering iron.. We'll see if that makes a difference.
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
LOL disregard. Stopped working a second ago.
It apparently just does not like me and is messing with me.
Will keep you updated. Should be received new PanelDue board in a week.
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
David - truly puzzling. I left the display disconnected for several days as I worked on other parts of the build. Today I reconnected it for cable length sizing, etc.. and it just works. Typically it would stop working after coming up on a minute of start-up, however it has been on for at least 10 mins and counting. For the record - running v1.21RC1 on DuetWiFi and 1.20b2 on DuePanel.
I'm trading in my CmpEn/Sci degree and going back for a degree voodoo/witch doctor.
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
I figured it was for that. Hmm.. I could setup some of those probes of Logic Analyzer to Analog mode an analyze voltage. Ah - I just checked the DuetWiFi. It doesn't have any protection. The DuetWiFi's URXD0 and UTXD0 pins plugs directly to pin 75 and 66 of the ATSAM4E8E. So in theory.. I could remote the diode and the 2.2K resistors on the PanelDue board. I just have to bridge over where the resistors were.
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
AH- that's not brave! Brave is what may come next.. SMD rework
I did try that binary and still a no-go
. Going to try that SB Diode next and if that doesn't fix it.. then I'll order a few ATSAM4S4BA chips and.. see how it goes.
Keep you posted.
-dt -
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
Probe settings confirmed. 57600, 1 stop bit, no parity. Also- you had asked what screen size I had. That would be 4.3".
I am thinking it's a bad chip and not firmware. But- It may be a "it depends". Some SAM chips have one HW SPI port whereas others may need to be setup as SW. idk.. just thinking aloud.
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
Ah - just saw your last post. Will hold off on the SB diode replacement until I try out your new beta code.
Many thanks!
-Drew -
RE: Weird issue PanelDue. I think it has a bad SB diode. Ideas?
Hi David. So this time I connected 4 probes.
Probe 0 @ PanelDue CONN_SD Din (was easy to connect probe here)
Probe 1 @ PanelDue CONN_SD Dout (same as above)
Probe 2 @ DuetWiFi CONN_SD Pin10 - UTXD0 (aka Din of Panel)
Probe 3 @ DuetWiFi CONN_SD Pin09 - URXD0 (aka Dout of Panel)Upon cold boot, first communication started at 1.32s and was from panel. ~7.7ms later, Duet responded.. and they then communicated back and forth every 1s. First framing error occurred 52.8 seconds from power-on. After that framing errors were prevalent every second or so. Framing errors only showed on probe 0 & 3 which are the Dout. So from my standpoint data is corrupt before it reaches the SAM chip on the DuetWiFi board.
I have 2 good data captures with Saleae Logic. 1st one is 4MB and 2nd one is 13MB. First session shows everything working as expected up until that 52.8s point. If you want, I can send you the files. Download of Saleae Logic is free and will work in simulation mode if you don't have the analzer probe, however you can open the capture data files and check out the data yourself.
So IMHO I think the culprit is either that SB Diode or the SAM chip on the PanelDue board. I'm out of time now, but I could put older firmware back on the boards to see if something in new firmware is causing this. PM me if you would like for me to email or upload those capture files.
Also, I have an order of SB Diodes arriving tomorrow, so I intend on doing a replacement sometime tomorrow.
Best regards,