what else is needed this is most frustrating

Posts made by codfish124
RE: having problems finishing one print starting next
RE: having problems finishing one print starting next
this one has been doing this for some time though it was wireing but I have rewired it a few times
here is the M122
M122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 3.4.0 (2022-03-15 18:58:31) running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later Board ID: 0JD0M-9P6M2-NWNS4-7JKF0-3S46J-KV0VM Used output buffers: 3 of 24 (12 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 23868 Dynamic ram: 74860 of which 0 recycled Never used RAM 13352, free system stack 184 words Tasks: NETWORK(ready,129.4%,226) HEAT(notifyWait,2.2%,332) Move(notifyWait,0.1%,364) MAIN(running,147.8%,448) IDLE(ready,1.3%,30), total 280.8% Owned mutexes: WiFi(NETWORK) === Platform === Last reset 27:25:41 ago, cause: software Last software reset at 2022-05-03 13:49, reason: User, GCodes spinning, available RAM 13208, slot 2 Software reset code 0x0003 HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x0041f000 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x00000000 Task MAIN Freestk 0 n/a Error status: 0x00 Step timer max interval 0 MCU temperature: min 35.2, current 36.3, max 37.7 Supply voltage: min 24.1, current 24.3, max 24.4, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes Heap OK, handles allocated/used 0/0, heap memory allocated/used/recyclable 0/0/0, gc cycles 0 Events: 0 queued, 0 completed Driver 0: standstill, SG min n/a Driver 1: standstill, SG min n/a Driver 2: standstill, SG min n/a Driver 3: standstill, SG min n/a Driver 4: standstill, SG min n/a Driver 5: Driver 6: Driver 7: Driver 8: Driver 9: Driver 10: Driver 11: Date/time: 2022-05-04 17:15:28 Cache data hit count 4294967295 Slowest loop: 33.88ms; fastest: 0.19ms I2C nak errors 0, send timeouts 0, receive timeouts 0, finishTimeouts 0, resets 0 === Storage === Free file entries: 10 SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 20.0MBytes/sec SD card longest read time 26.5ms, write time 0.0ms, max retries 0 === Move === DMs created 83, segments created 0, maxWait 0ms, bed compensation in use: none, comp offset 0.000 === MainDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === AuxDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === Heat === Bed heaters 0 -1 -1 -1, chamber heaters 2 -1 -1 -1, ordering errs 0 Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.0 === GCodes === Segments left: 0 Movement lock held by null HTTP is idle in state(s) 0 Telnet is idle in state(s) 0 File is idle in state(s) 0 USB is idle in state(s) 0 Aux is idle in state(s) 0 Trigger is idle in state(s) 0 Queue is idle in state(s) 0 LCD is idle in state(s) 0 Daemon is idle in state(s) 0 Autopause is idle in state(s) 0 Code queue is empty === Network === Slowest loop: 15.40ms; fastest: 0.00ms Responder states: HTTP(2) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0), 0 sessions HTTP sessions: 1 of 8 - WiFi - Network state is active WiFi module is connected to access point Failed messages: pending 0, notready 0, noresp 0 WiFi firmware version 1.26 WiFi MAC address 98:cd:ac:20:60:d8 WiFi Vcc 3.45, reset reason Power up WiFi flash size 4194304, free heap 25352 WiFi IP address WiFi signal strength -66dBm, mode 802.11n, reconnections 0, sleep mode modem Clock register 00002002 Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0``` and the M98 P
M98 P"config.g"
HTTP is enabled on port 80
FTP is disabled
TELNET is disabled -
RE: having problems finishing one print starting next
@oliof duh!!!!
thank seems to have fixed printer #2 thank you
having problems finishing one print starting next
I have 2 printers doing strange things after finishing or canceling a print and starting the next print.
printer 1 will not deploy BLtouch until the printer is rebooted.... if I deploy the test probe, then hit the emergency stop the probe will deploy prior to stopping and resetting.
printer 2 finishes the print when I start the next it homes all axis then goes slightly left and lifts Z pushed plastic then moved to X Y home and pushes plastic to fast while raising Z I hit emergency stop and print the same file with no issues.
RE: Creatbot F430 transformation. Question directly DC42
@maestro very nice looking work.
someday ill go through mine and clean it up a bit more.
20210326_230625844_iOS.heic 20220118_130542466_iOS.heic 20220114_231353954_iOS.heic 20220113_201749533_iOS.heic
RE: Stepper motor break system
@mrehorstdmd thank you but I already have the motor just trying to find out how to properly wire in some shotkey diode as @dc42 has mentions in other posts
Stepper motor break system
So I am building a printer and the Z is moved by a belt looking into breaking options ( I see that break control was added in the latest beta but I had already order hardware)
I saw DC_42 say to use 8 shotkey diodes and wondering how to wire them up to clamp the stepper in place when powered off… looking on here and google I’m a little lost on property setting this up. Any one have a quick wire diagram of how to accomplish this please.
Fan timer question
Fan timer how to set one up? I am wondering if there is a End code command I can use to run my cabinet fan for a bit after print...
A; Set it up for a set time like 5 min or so
B; Set it to bed or chamber thermistorI know you can set it to run thermally controlled but when printing abs and other high temp filament I would set that in start Gcode like M106 P2 S100 .. but at the end is would like it to run a cool down so like M106 P2 S255 (5min) (chamber temp 30) (bed temp 30)
RE: Software reset code 0x4050 help
seem to be working now thanks for the help
RE: Software reset code 0x4050 help
tried to get my Steppes per mm down this is a ball screw drivin unit so I'm down to 16 micro stepping and under 500
RE: Software reset code 0x4050 help
made some changed updated every thing I could find still same problem this just happened been printing fine then all of a sudden this
RE: Software reset code 0x4050 help
it there im slopy with code
; Drives
M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards
M569 P5 S1
M569 P6 S1
M569 P7 S0
M569 P8 S0
M569 P5 T3
M569 P6 T3
M569 P7 T5
M569 P8 T5
not sure how to get them in one linemaybe its M569 P6 T3 S1 ?
RE: Software reset code 0x4050 help
and the error now
=== Diagnostics ===
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 2.05.1 running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Used output buffers: 1 of 24 (7 max)
=== RTOS ===
Static ram: 25712
Dynamic ram: 93176 of which 0 recycled
Exception stack ram used: 432
Never used ram: 11752
Tasks: NETWORK(ready,676) HEAT(blocked,1232) MAIN(running,3800) IDLE(ready,160)
Owned mutexes:
=== Platform ===
Last reset 00:24:44 ago, cause: software
Last software reset at 2020-12-26 18:52, reason: Heat task stuck, spinning module FilamentSensors, available RAM 11524 bytes (slot 3)
Software reset code 0x40ad HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x0041f80f BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x20004aa4 Task 0x4e49414d
Stack: 0044d941 00445546 6100f000 00000000 4047f333 00000000 00000000 46c906f7 41800000 3e178897 3e1cd04f 3ce0de39 3e3a332b 3e638e2f 3e924928 3a4585a5 3984bb2c c0a00000 00000000 60000010 00000001 20002b88 0044d941
Error status: 0
Free file entries: 9
SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 20.0MBytes/sec
SD card longest block write time: 9.3ms, max retries 0
MCU temperature: min 41.8, current 43.8, max 44.3
Supply voltage: min 24.0, current 24.2, max 24.7, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes
Driver 0: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 1: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 2: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 3: standstill, SG min/max 0/270
Driver 4: standstill, SG min/max not available
Date/time: 2020-12-26 19:17:30
Cache data hit count 4294967295
Slowest loop: 104.65ms; fastest: 0.06ms
I2C nak errors 0, send timeouts 0, receive timeouts 0, finishTimeouts 0, resets 0
=== Move ===
Hiccups: 6742410, FreeDm: 85, MinFreeDm: 85, MaxWait: 96745ms
Bed compensation in use: mesh, comp offset 0.000
=== DDARing ===
Scheduled moves: 5148, completed moves: 5108, StepErrors: 0, LaErrors: 0, Underruns: 0, 3
=== Heat ===
Bed heaters = 0 -1 -1 -1, chamberHeaters = -1 -1
Heater 0 is on, I-accum = 0.0
Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.5
=== GCodes ===
Segments left: 1
Stack records: 2 allocated, 0 in use
Movement lock held by null
http is idle in state(s) 0
telnet is idle in state(s) 0
file is doing "G1 X468.353 Y379.929 E81.05218" in state(s) 0
serial is idle in state(s) 0
aux is idle in state(s) 0
daemon is idle in state(s) 0
queue is idle in state(s) 0
autopause is idle in state(s) 0
Code queue is empty.
=== Network ===
Slowest loop: 243.53ms; fastest: 0.00ms
Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0) Telnet(0)
HTTP sessions: 1 of 8- WiFi -
Network state is running
WiFi module is connected to access point
Failed messages: pending 0, notready 0, noresp 0
WiFi firmware version 1.23
WiFi MAC address 2c:3a:e8:0a:f3:e3
WiFi Vcc 3.40, reset reason Turned on by main processor
WiFi flash size 4194304, free heap 24904
WiFi IP address
WiFi signal strength -41dBm, reconnections 0, sleep mode modem
Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- WiFi -
RE: Software reset code 0x4050 help
started again here is my config file.
RE: Software reset code 0x4050 help
Thank you I upgraded firmware and that amplified the problem. I hade to lower some motor and speed values
Software reset code 0x4050 help
hello I have been having a problem where my printer stops mid print this is my M122 log
=== Diagnostics ===
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 2.01(RTOS) running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Used output buffers: 1 of 20 (8 max)
=== RTOS ===
Static ram: 28476
Dynamic ram: 96212 of which 0 recycled
Exception stack ram used: 284
Never used ram: 6100
Tasks: NETWORK(ready,328) HEAT(blocked,1248) MAIN(running,3484)
Owned mutexes:
=== Platform ===
Last reset 00:07:12 ago, cause: software
Last software reset at 2020-12-25 23:19, reason: Watchdog timeout, spinning module Platform, available RAM 5544 bytes (slot 3)
Software reset code 0x4050 HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x1441f014 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x2001ff24 Task 0x5754454e
Stack: 6e8d6a6e 0041735a 21000027 6e97f15d 2000dccc 6e8fe298 00000004 2000bf18 00000001 6e8faea7 2000a4d0 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 00437567 00000105 2001abe8 00000001 ffffffe1 00000001 20006458 10000000 00000105
Error status: 0
Free file entries: 10
SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 20.0MBytes/sec
SD card longest block write time: 0.0ms, max retries 0
MCU temperature: min 42.5, current 42.6, max 45.1
Supply voltage: min 24.2, current 24.3, max 24.6, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0
Driver 0: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 1: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 2: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 3: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 4: standstill, SG min/max not available
Date/time: 2020-12-25 23:26:57
Slowest loop: 3.31ms; fastest: 0.07ms
=== Move ===
Hiccups: 0, StepErrors: 0, LaErrors: 0, FreeDm: 240, MinFreeDm: 240, MaxWait: 0ms, Underruns: 0, 0
Scheduled moves: 0, completed moves: 0
Bed compensation in use: none
Bed probe heights: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
=== Heat ===
Bed heaters = 0 -1 -1 -1, chamberHeaters = -1 -1
=== GCodes ===
Segments left: 0
Stack records: 1 allocated, 0 in use
Movement lock held by null
http is idle in state(s) 0
telnet is idle in state(s) 0
file is idle in state(s) 0
serial is idle in state(s) 0
aux is idle in state(s) 0
daemon is idle in state(s) 0
queue is idle in state(s) 0
autopause is idle in state(s) 0
Code queue is empty.
=== Network ===
Slowest loop: 15.12ms; fastest: 0.01ms
Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0) Telnet(0)
HTTP sessions: 1 of 8- WiFi -
Network state is running
WiFi module is connected to access point
Failed messages: pending 0, notready 0, noresp 0
WiFi firmware version 1.21
WiFi MAC address 2c:3a:e8:0a:f3:e3
WiFi Vcc 3.40, reset reason Turned on by main processor
WiFi flash size 4194304, free heap 15912
WiFi IP address
WiFi signal strength -44dBm, reconnections 0, sleep mode modem
Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
=== Expansion ===
- WiFi -
RE: Z end stop as Z probe for leveling bed
It's possible to use the Z endstop input too in firmware 1.20 and later. See M558 in the GCode wiki page.
well that wasn't on the one i was looking at only went to P5 thanks that would have been helpfull
RE: Z end stop as Z probe for leveling bed
I got it thanks i had to use the E0 switch plug
thanks for the help