HI ,
i'm new with my DUET 2 wifi V1.04 and try to confirgure my Alfawise U20 with it.
i'm running:
Duet 2 wifi 1.04
3.0 firmware
new BL Touch
i've follow all the tutorials to configure the BL touch, but still nothing , and i've try many things, my BL touch is plug into:
z probe in/ GND for Z probe
+5v/GND and Pin8 HEATER3 for the servos cable
i've try many change on the file config.g but nothing seems to work and the command S10, S120 result on a bad command in the DWC.
here my config.g:
; Endstops
M574 X1 S0 P"xstop" ; configure active-low endstop for low end on X via pin xstop
M574 Y1 S0 P"ystop" ; configure active-low endstop for low end on Y via pin ystop
M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z
; Z-Probe
M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; disable heater on PWM channel for BLTouch
M950 S0 C"exp.heater3" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch
M558 P9 C"zprobe.in" H3 F120 T4800 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds
M558 H30 ;*** Remove this line after delta calibration has been done and new delta
parameters have been saved
G31 P25 X-35 Y10 Z2.5 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X15:285 Y15:285 S20 ; define mesh grid
; Heaters
M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; disable heater on PWM channel for BLTouch
M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4700 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin bedtemp
M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 ; create bed heater output on bedheat and map it to sensor 0
M143 H0 S70 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 70C
M307 H0 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the nozzle heater and set PWM limit
M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4700 ; configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin e0temp
M950 H1 C"e0heat" T1 ; create nozzle heater output on e0heat and map it to sensor 1
M143 H1 S230 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 230C
M307 H1 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the nozzle heater and set PWM limit
my deployprobe.g:
M280 P0 S10 I1 ; deploy BLTouch
my retractprobe.g:
M280 P0 S90 I1 ; retract BLTouch
did you have some idea of what happen? how to solve.