I think I have a solution to the problem:
create sys/runtime.g and add
global runtime = 0
in sys/config.g add
; init print time logging
if !exists(global.runtime)
M98 P"runtime.g"
create sys/daemon.g if it doesn't already exist and add
if state.status == "processing"
if exists(global.runtime)
set global.runtime = {global.runtime + 10}
echo > "runtime.g" "global runtime = " ^ {global.runtime} ^ " ; AUTO GENERATED by daemon.g"
This will increment the global variable "runtime" every time daemon.g is called by 10 and write the new value into runtime.g. This should be correct as daemon.g is called every 10 secs as of RRF 3.3
Let me know if it doesn't work for you.