that blv bed is garbage, Please save your money and buy a better surface. And a bltouch. I got that bed and it is now in the garbage bin. Bed surface that you link too bends when heating up, and that surface is absolutly not working with the ir sensor.

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RE: Best practices for Infrared Height Sensor
Latest posts made by Caveman
RE: Can't connect to wifi after updating to DuetWiFiServer_2.1b2
@jay_s_uk got it fixed now bit wifi still fighting with me.
HTTP sessions: 0 of 8
= WiFi =
Network state is changingMode
WiFi module is idle
Failed messages: pending 0, notready 0, noresp 0
Failed to get WiFi status
Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Error: failed to retrieve WiFi status message: SPI timeout
WiFi module is idle
Error: failed to change WiFi mode: SPI timeout -
Can't connect to wifi after updating to DuetWiFiServer_2.1b2
Can't connect to wifi after updating to DuetWiFiServer_2.1b2
It keeps giving me the error:
WiFi module reported:[Warning: Maximal number of characters per line exceeded! Check the line break settings in Terminal > Settings > Text or increase the limit in Terminal > Settings > Advanced.How do I fix this without being able to connect to the web terminal?
duet 2 wifi not extruding tool 0
New duet wifi is not extruding tool 0 in anycubic delta linear plus.
Any idea what I have done wrong here?
RE: Mo not working on E3D toolchanger with duet3
@dc42 this is my stop.g file
; stop.g
; called when M0 (Stop) is run (e.g. when a print from SD card is cancelled)M98 P"/macros/led_alert"
; Turn off all heaters
;Stop Printing (M0)
G10 P0 S0; Turn off extruder heater
M140 S0; Turn off bed heater
M300 S100 P500; Sound beep using PanelDue buzzer, frequency Hz (Snn), Duration (Pnn)I am not entirerly sure if this is right for e3d toolchanger
Connect 24v led to duet3 6hc with 3hc
Where can I safely connect a 24v led strip to one of my boards. Have a duet3 6hc with 3hc expension board. it lives in a e3d toolchanger and want to l make a nozzle light
RE: Mo not working on E3D toolchanger with duet3
@oliof thanks will do that.
Mo not working on E3D toolchanger with duet3
I have an issue. I have a toolchanger with duet 3 in sbc mode with raspberry pi and expansion board.
After print is finished heaters stay on. In my slicer config is M0 at the end of end gcode.;Drop Bed
G1 Z10 F1000
G90; Drop off the tool
T-1; Disable Mesh Compensation.
G29 S2; Park
G1 X-30 Y200 F50000; Turn off all heaters
M0What could cause this?
DCS not starting failed firmware
Ok I may have done something.
Picked up a e3d toolchanger and it had old firmware on it.
It runs pi4 with duet36hc and duet EXP 3 HC.
I thought i could just update firmware on dwc as I do on my other duet printers,
Did that now I am stuck with can't connect dcs has not started what have I done wrong and is this fixable without loosing all the configs? -
RE: want to use E1 instead of E0 for heating.
and how di I do pid for bed in rrf3.2?