I was among the first users of Duet on a CNC machine over four years ago. Back than I had a genuine, first version, Workbee, with several years of using GRBL on another low cost CNC. While Duet was lacking features of GRBL that I was already used with, the old Pololu DRV8825 drivers were not up to the task and I decided not to spend to much on proper Leadshine drivers. So Duet looked perfect as a hardware platform.
With CamBam for the CAM part, configuring it to generate a GCode that was understood by Duet back then was OK (G2 and G3 were not even planned back then, not to mention the work coordinates!). I wrote on the forum about the issues that I have found, I complained about some of the missing features, and things slowly got better.
These days the Duet boards are a good choice, depending on the CNC you want to control.
3 years later problems started to creep in. Being an Electronics engineer, I started digging. It all came down to the on-board drivers. Randomly, only at powering on, they reported disconnected and/or shorted steppers. I checked all connections, I replaced connectors, I ended up replacing cables - no luck! And, worse, sometimes I was not able to use the CNC for a whole day. Once started, all went flawlessly! I was not the only one with the symptom, just search the forum for "phase disconnected". There was no clear solution to the problem!
My ten cents - even if properly cooled, using the on-board drivers at 2.4A (my steppers are rated for 3A) for hours at a time is affecting them over time. The higher power drivers on the Duet 3 board should be better. But there is another problem - the supply voltage! You can't get proper performance from the steppers on a larger CNC without using at least 36V as supply. Even the new Duet 3 boards are limited to 32V.
So I decided to put the Duet board to storage and moved to PlanetCNC MK3 with Leadshine drivers. The bill was slightly higher, but not hugely higher (less than double!). And it comes with a lot of CNC specific bells and whistles.