Seems strange given the case has been on it since day one, but I'll take it out of the case and see if it resolves it.. will report back. thanks

Posts made by briangilbert
RE: Paneldue beeping constantly
Paneldue beeping constantly
Re: PanelDue beeping? Confused.
My Paneldue has started beeping constantly, the weird thing is that it still registers touches, and the printer still works fine if I operate it from the web interface, I had to unplug the paneldue due to the annoyance of the noise.. and suggestions how I can fix the paneldue to stop it from beeping?
Using 8 wire steppers?
I assume this just means running 2 wires to each of the stepper pins on the duet, are there any concerns with doing this other than current?
8-Wire Stepper Motors
Some motors are also offered in 8-Wire configurations allowing for multiple wiring configurations depending on whether the motor's speed or torque is more important.*
It is possible to connect an 8-wire stepper motor with the windings of each phase connected in parallel as shown in Figure 4. This configuration will enable better high speed operation while requiring more current to produce the rated torque. This connection type is sometimes known as parallel bipolar wiring.
from : -
RE: PT1000 cable length, connector, and wire type
@dc42 thanks, I was hoping this would be the case.
RE: Welcome to the New Forum
@msquared thanks.. do you know if there is a mobile app that supports it?
Beside Safari
RE: PT1000 cable length, connector, and wire type
@MSquared I think thats more for PT100 sensors..
RE: Welcome to the New Forum
Is it possible to enable the mobile API's so that I can use the Discourse app to read and respond on my phone?
PT1000 cable length, connector, and wire type
@dc42 or anyone else with more experience than me..
Would there be any obvious issues using a PT1000 with a short cable (~10cm) going to a plug/socket just above effector, and then wire back down to the Duet?
Anything special need to be taken into account for the wire used for the run back to the Duet (AWG rating, resistance, etc)?
RE: Laser filament monitor
@T3P3Tony please count me in if there is still room for more testers
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
Just reporting back that after updating my network gear to Ubiquiti Unifi kit everything is working properly again.
RE: Notification via Pushover or other service
would it be possible to have some gcodes that hit the url required to submit a message directly from the duet?
I'm particularly after a way to send a notification to my phone at the end of a print.
RE: Notification via Pushover or other service
Pushbullet is another option that is free -
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
So although I thought reverting to 1.20 duetwifiserver resolved the issue I am still getting DWC disconnects, just far less often now.
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
#2 alone didn't do it, but reverting back to 1.20 of DuetWiFiServer.bin seems to have resolved it
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
Today I've had a little more luck, but I get disconnects all the time in DWC and am seeing errors on the paneldue console:
WiFi reported error: incomplete write
Now I can get a connection to the wifi but it usually drops before I can load DWC fully.
Neither my printer or router have moved… have spent the better part of 2 days trying to get this working now.. any suggestions @dc42 ?
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
well I got one time connection.. now I can't again
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
ran M588 S*
then my add network macro and it's working now..
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
@dc42 I can't access DWC though as I can't connect to my wifi
Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
Today I've updated from 1.18.beta3 to 1.20.1rc2, and am having issues connecting to my wifi again.
I did follow the instructions at
But I am not sure if I need to use ' chars for lowercase characters as per (I've tried with and without)If I boot printer and execute my macro to add the wifi network then run the following:
[[language]] M587 Remembered networks: Mato24 IP= GW= NM= M552 S1 WiFi reported error: Failed while trying to connect to Mato24 Wifi module is idle M115 FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.20.1RC2 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2018-01-01 M589 Failed to retreive own SSID data
From my router:
Is there any way to report the wifiserver version?
Any other suggestions?
RE: Any way to offset PT100 temp setting beside running more wires?
@dc42 I've changed over to a different PT100 and am still getting a high (but lower reading), would it be possible to add an offset feature?