As a delta owner coming from Smoothieware I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around setting up my Z-probe and calibration.
So I was hoping for some help from the experts here.
My machine has magnetic arms which I use to swap between my effector with Z-probe and another effector with my hotend.
(to keep the hotend light and compact)
I can succesfully run auto calibration and mesh bed compensation however don't understand how/where to put my probe/hotend Z-offset.
My Z-probe is configured as:
M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z0 H40 F300 T2000 R0
G31 X0 Y0 Z0 P500
When I manually move until the Z-probe is triggered Z=20.70
When I swap to my effector with hotend and manually place it to touch the bed my Z is 18.73
In smoothieware I normally place the effector to touch the bed then do:
M306 Z0
Which stores the offset in an override file as:
M206 Zn.n ; (n.n is measured offset)
I'm trying to wrap my head around how/what to do this on my Duet Wifi (which I like much more!)
It seems G92 Z0 defines the current Z as Z=0, however this does not seem persistent after homing or a power cycle.
Or should I manually calculate a rough offset and place it somewhere in th config/bed file (where?), and then rely on baby stepping for fine tuning?
Probably a simple thing but I'm just a bit confused for the best solution, any help?