@phaedrux ill try to explain it a little better i have had this duet 2 wifi for over a year working great but recently i tried to hook up a a berd air part cooling pump directly to the pwm fan output and i think i blew the fan port or something because now ever time that turn off the power compleatly and i then try to move my x/y axis manually with my hand the little red led illumates near the usb in and i hear like high pitched wine as well when the led iillumantes

Latest posts made by bigwood247
RE: Led on the duet mother board lights up
Led on the duet mother board lights up
Hi I have had a duet wifi for a wile now but recently have had a problem with the led lighting up when I move my y axis and x axis even when there's no power going to the board I use a ac relay for a keenovo 800 watt silicone bed
Trying to hook, up a bondrech pancake stepper
I just bought a bondtech pancake stepper it's a+a-b+b- I did that and all it does is spudder its on a duet mastero board I tried switching the wires and nothing seems to work anyone know what I'm doing wrong
RE: Blower fans for a duet wifi
https://www.ebay.com/itm/264486995606 I think this one will work too
RE: Blower fans for a duet wifi
@dc42 so thst one works well with pwm control u can successfully control the speed?
RE: Blower fans for a duet wifi
I just found a 5015 sunon blower that's 4 wire its this model MF5015VX-C05C-S99
RE: Blower fans for a duet wifi
Is there any blower fans that are pwm capable they usually have 4 wires?
RE: Blower fans for a duet wifi
My sunon blower is only 2 wires and its ither on 100 percent power or it barely blows at all no middle ground
RE: Blower fans for a duet wifi
@Phaedrux I'll have to try that one that u put the link up for does it have 3 or 4 wires those usually work better for pwm I've found I've tried frequency as low as 100 Hertz up to 10000 Hertz with no luck