@jrcl what filament did you used? and hows your exrrusion modifier? does it stick to the bed? if yes, it can be too high EM

Posts made by Barracuda72
RE: First Layer Rippling: What to try next?
RE: Strange Behaviour of G30
G30 Doku: If a "normal" Z parameter is given instead of -9999 or lower, then the bed is not probed, but instead that value is used as if the Z probe had triggered at that height.so...a z-99999 is the same as a Z-10000
anyway..its not the point and i didnt wanted to discuss the macro..its not mine...but it works..even if i had the skill to do it, i would change some parts ( for example just use K0 and K1 instead of re-define the probe for each probing)
I just wanted to point out that G30 uses the 2 system MAcros and its not documentated...just a row rows of text would be enough that had explained that g30 always calls M401 and M402 no matter what probe type you have defined.
As i never had a BL Touch in any of my Duet Printer i wasnt aware of. -
RE: Strange Behaviour of G30
it part of this script AutoZSkip to content Search or jump to… Pull requests Issues Marketplace Explore @SvenBarracuda WartyTowel / Auto-Z-calibration-for-RRF-3.3-or-later-and-Klicky-Probe Public forked from pRINTERnOODLE/Auto-Z-calibration-for-RRF-3.3-or-later-and-Klicky-Probe Code Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights Auto-Z-calibration-for-RRF-3.3-or-later-and-Klicky-Probe/autoz/autoz.g Chriss Copy and paste error fixed Latest commit 9dfc5cf 8 hours ago History 2 contributors @invalid-email-address@pRINTERnOODLE 97 lines (65 sloc) 2.71 KB ; ---------- ---------- Auto Z ---------- ---------- ; to use autoz, please place the following near the end of your slicers start gcode ; M98 P"/macros/autoz/autoz.g" <<< Place in slicer ; ---------- prepare ---------- M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/defaults.g" ; load some deefaults which will be overwriten by the "edit_me.g" M98 P"/macros/autoz/edit_me.g" ; load your settings M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/autoz_globals.g" ; load autoz framework G29 S2 ; disable mesh M290 R0 S0 ; RESET BABY STEPPING ; ---------- probe the nozzle ---------- M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/autozhop_up.g" ; large z hop incase the nozzle is low and you have a high pin M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/use_pin_autoz.g" ; use the z pin M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/pin_xy.g" ; go to the z pin M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/drive_autoz.g" ; set z drive safe physics G30 ; zero the z axis to the nozzle M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/restore_zdrive.g" ; restore the z drive to the state before autoz M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/smallzhopup.g" ; move up 2mm M400 ; ---------- load the clicky ---------- M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/use_clicky_autoz.g" ; use the clicky probe M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/autozhop_up.g" M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/clicky_status.g" M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/loadclicky.g" ; pick up and verify clicky M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/clicky_status.g" M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/confirmclicky.g" M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/pin_xy_clicky.g" ; move the clicky probe switch body over the z pin M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/use_pin_autoz.g" ; use the z pin M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/drive_autoz.g" ; set z drive safe physics M400 ; ---------- probe clicky switch body ---------- M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/probeclicky.g" ; probe the clicky body with the z pin M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/calculate.g" ; simple z offset calculation and average M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/comptomesh.g" M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/use_clicky_autoz.g" ; use the clicky probe M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/autozhop_up.g" ; hop to clear the switch M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/bedcenter.g" ; go to the center of the bed M400 G30 ; set Z0 according to the clicky ; ---------- get final result ---------- M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/finaloffset.g" ; ---------- finish up ---------- M291 T5 R"AutoZ complete" P"Z offset was detected" M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/restore_zdrive.g" ; restore the z drive to the state before autoz M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/autozhop_up.g" ; small z hop M400 M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/unloadclicky.g" ; unload the clicky probe M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/bedcenter.g" ; go to the center of the bed M98 P"/macros/autoz/scripts/alldone.g" ; do a happy dance © 2022 GitHub, Inc. Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact GitHub Pricing API Training Blog About Loading complete
Strange Behaviour of G30
I put a Klicky Z-probe into my Voron. Firstly i made 2 macros deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g to get the Probe from the dock and use M401 and M402. Worked flawless.Then i wanted to implement an autoz script and the problems started. it do some global variable scripts and then it moves over the z-switch pin behind the Bed. then it calls a G30 Z-99999 . As far i understood the G30 doku it should lower the printhead till it hits the switch ( checked via m558 that its the right pin.) But it doesnt moves down...instead it moves to the bedcenter and moves there and would have crash without a emergency stop. Asked for help ind the Voron RRF channel but no help from there...took me 2 days till i was sure that the G30 Doku missing an important part...G30 always call an M401 even if you have the Probe defined as P5 or P8. The autocall should only works with P9 ( BL Touch). My Solution was rename the retract and deploy macro and insert in all other Macros where it needed not the M401 and M402 but the M98 P"xxxxx" to do the same job..then G30 work as intended and moves down whereever on the bed i call it. maybe that little info could implemented into the Doku as some other guy had the same Prob.
RE: Acceleration analysis
@phaedrux downloaded it yesterday and will try it today...looks really good
RE: New Duet Smart Effector
@moonie223 as i had similar Problems pls check your Hotend...if its not abolutely tight screwed together, your senivity is crap...better check it twice...on my ht heatbreak become just a tad loose in the heatsink and from one day to another the smart effector seemed to be brocken..took a while to get it..
RE: Acceleration analysis
@dc42 hopefully with some kind of how to use it...just looked at the plugin but honestly...dont know how to use it
RE: Displaying current extrusion volume possible?
Would love it too...caculation of Extrusion Volume via Excel sheet seem so 2010 like
RE: 1LC no CAN connection, no hard reset
dont know if its solve your problem but you have the 120 Ohm terminating Resisitor twice. Once you have the extra Resistor on the CAN Plug ( only used with 1.1 Boards without distribution boards) and then you closed the Solder brigde on the Board( 1.2 boards and later. Remove the Cable resistorand leave the cables open. At least your CAN should connect then.
RE: Smart Effector issue
That sound is terrible...and beside lowering the sensivity of the smart effector i would say...get some new Linear bearings...just from that sound ever time it changes direction it could be vibrating bearings that affect the smart effector -
RE: Best fit parts in a coreXY
What do you want to optimize? If you want to use the motors as little as possible, the 45° orientation is ideal, since you then only use one motor. But mostly the artifacts in the print come from the mechanics and the weight in the X and Y axis. and for this it is better if the component is aligned straight because then only one axis is moved.
RE: Smart Effector issue
@tecno in the vid..when you probe the oauter points the whol effector tilts..and dont trigger...i had the same...2 towers forces the effector on the buildplate and the 3rd tower cant stabilize it...mybe its a prob because we only have mag arms...im sure you need more than 20° if you use mag arms..
its easy to try a smaller bed diameter in the bed.g and make a test...
Its just the same probe that i had on my 300mm Delta -
RE: Smart Effector issue
@tecno take a look at https://reprap.org/wiki/Delta_geometry and theres a minimum angle of the arms..and in your vid the angles looks smaller if you probe the outermost ppoints...and then you loose all the stability..for m it looks if the arms are too short or the build diameter is too big. make a small test and just probe with a smaller build plate diameter. Use http://www.escher3d.com/pages/wizards/wizardbed.php to get a bed.g and do the probing again...and look how stable the effector might be without probing in the air
RE: Smart Effector issue
after watching our vid our prob are the short rods...but makeing the effector mount wider just makes it softer..more bending while probing. Other problen, that i had on my Delta with faulty sensivity..heatbreak came loose...so it looses lots of sensivity.
About your Rods...when i designed my delta some years ago there where plently of sites to calculate things like Rod lenght...max angles of rods. Maybe DC42 still have some links to such a calculator. It would be much better to have longer rods..if its ok to loose some build height. Your construction is prone to effector tilts that affects the stability while probing -
RE: hotend wire broken
the wires you used there are way to stiff with all that effector movement. get yourself decent wires..i uses a igus cable...made for automations...expensive but someone at reprap forum made a strain relief for the smart effector and that cable. Or get some Heluflon or other decent brand and make all wires new.
RE: Alternatives to Thingiverse?
sure..its called prusaprinters but its for all...and nice side...if you upload your designs there you can earn Prusameters ( nice benefit who usually do open source stuff) If you want earn money with your own designs there are other sites ( mostly depending on what you design -
RE: Flsun Q5 leveling don't work, heating of the print bed two slow
sometimes the first run on a delta is some try and error...your M665 in your config.overide shows that it never finished calibrating successful.
On my Delta most time was that the H Parameter is not nearly right..
For Example..u said H is 220mm but in real H is 240mm( as you said it stopped 20mm above bed. so the effector moves down and expect a probe triggering around the 220mm.. if it hnot happens, then it stop the probing. So make sure that your probe is working properly as described before...then change the H Parameter in your M665 and do it again..after the first successful G28 and savin it via M500 ou shouldnt have that problem again -
RE: Options for setup a board fan....
@peirof The 4 pin Fan ports also support 2 wire Fans.( see [https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Duet_3_family/Duet_3_Mini_5+_Hardware_Overview]
the cooling pads of the driver are on the backside of the PCB..so best would be if the cooling air comes from the side.
In my Voron i used this solution:M950 F5 C"out5" Q100 ; Creates Case Fan 1 M106 P5 T40 L0.4 X0.4 H3 ; Case Fan 1 Settings (Turns on at 40°C tool temp) at low speed M950 F6 C"out6" Q100 ; Creates Case Fan 2 M106 P6 T40 L0.4 X0.4 H3 ; Case Fan 2 Settings (Turns on at 40°C tool temp) at low speed and hooked them up to the MCU Temp M308 S3 A"MCU" Y"mcu-temp"
Others connected the fans to the hotend tempsensor...so if you start to print it starts to cool the board