I am trying to fix an issue I see when printing, in this case using a series of angle tests. I spent yesterday running tests to dial in my retraction settings and today wanted to try and figure out why I am seeing warping in prints that employ and overhang element.
The one in particular I am trying to fix is an error in the printing of the DII Cooler. Namely warping around a nut hole. On this version the hole is intended to be elongated (I assume to help with positioning) but the area around the hole has warped.
![0_1567336797095_Print Definitions-4.png](/assets/uploads/files/1567336797463-print-definitions-4.png)
In the photo you can also see that I am seeing what appears to be missing or skipped layers and I am trying to resolve this at the same time as the warping (I should maybe be focusing on one at a time).
So to test progress I setup to print the angle test by Schematix on Thingiverse.
I performed my usual pre-print tests, Z-Alignment, bed leveling, Bed cleaning etc. I then started the print with the following settings;
Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2.1
Duet3d Wifi Firmware: 2.02(RTOS) (2018-12-24b1)
Web Interface Version: 1.22.6
Cura 4.2.1
Resolution: 0.3mm
Print Temp: 190
Initial print temp: 180
Build Plate Temp: 60
Flow: 100%
Retraction enabled
Retraction Distance: 1.3mm
Retraction Speed: 25
Print Speed: 60
Travel Speed: 120
Initial Layer Speed: 30.0
Cooling Enabled
FAN Speed: 100
FAN Regular Speed: 100
FAN Max Speed: 100
Support: No
Build Plate Adhesion: Skirt
Skirt Width: 3
Print Sequence: All At Once
The angle test print came out as follows and you can see that there is what looks like missing layer on stacks 2,3 and 5 but not on 1, 5 & 6
![0_1567336863141_Print Definitions-2.png](/assets/uploads/files/1567336863696-print-definitions-2-resized.png)
![0_1567336880128_Print Definitions-3.png](/assets/uploads/files/1567336880640-print-definitions-3-resized.png)
This leads me into my confusion (and thereby my question) about what term I should be searching for when trying to find a solution. What is presented in this print could be classified as a "missing layer", but it coulds also be classed as "temperature variation" or even "Inconsistent Extrusion". I don't know the correct diagnosis of what I am seeing in order to be able to search for a solution.
Any suggestions please. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you resolve it please?