After connecting everything and trying a PID tune because of the very large heat capacity of the aluminum plates the initial climb of the temp was very slow. The set temperature was 40 degrees. After around 4 minutes the bed reached that temperature and power was turned off. The temperature kept climbing until 113 degrees!
Also because of the large load it's not good to turn it on and off very frequently I tried lowering the power factor and the PWM frequency but its still too fast. So I thought that I will turn to bang bang control.
Apart from the initial peak temperature the control works very fine because it keeps the temperature with around 1 degree accuracy which is quite acceptable for this large format (and it will become more accurate when closing the printer [less loses] ).
For now my heat up procedure goes like:
- Set bed temperature to 30 degrees
- Wait when it peaks at around 62 degrees
- Set bed temperature to 60 degrees
- It turns on every around 3 minutes for 15 seconds and then off again and goes from 59.9 to 60.8
Is there a way to set for example a set time for a heater to be on?
Also is there a wait function?
In order to write a heat up g-code.
Thank you in advance!