@AJ-Quick The project made it into the top 10 of the Hack It Back challenge! I'll be working on putting together and uploading full build instructions and a better video outlining the project for the final judging of the competition for the top 5 of all of the categories (5/50, 10 for each category). Hopefully the full instructions will help anyone else going to do the same or use this as a starting point for controlling similar systems!

Posts made by Archeantus
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@sebkritikel I know @drphil3d had some that he had pulled out from the Uprint and uploaded to his GitHub. You may check there. I ended up running at 0.95 since the story motors on the Uprint for X and Y are rated at 1.4A. I haven't had any issues with motor skips. In things I have read it is best to run them closer to 60 percent of the rated voltage. Yet even in my video you can see running them at 300mm/s (acceleration limited) that I still didn't skip any steps. I'm sure I could mess with the acceleration, yet I only just put in the accelerometer this week and haven't really had a chance to test much after that. I did mess with acceleration settings earlier yet had some vibration issues and ended up going with what I have. The settings I have uploaded I think are a bit closer to what @drphil3d had used. I haven't been able to see what the z motor current rating is so I haven't really pushed it to much. It is buried in the back of the instrument and I didn't feel like taking it apart that much to find out. If anyone knows I would love to adjust settings as the z motor had to hold a fair bit of weight. I would like to be able to push it up further yet it seems to be working ok for now.
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick Welcome to the project on Hackaday!
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick Yeah, it was pretty straight forward after all you guys have done! It works amazing!
I just couldn't gut the extruder with the whole tilt mechanism and CNC parts.
The extruders are insane! I can't out run the extruder. I end up with vibrations in the print before I can max out the amount of hot filament! It is just crazy! I'll see if I can get a video later showing this. I think I end up maxing out the travel speed of the Duet.
I ended up adding an accelerometer to help me know how to minimize ringing in the printer using input shaping. It seems to have helped a lot! Maybe it will help with the vibrations are high print speeds.
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick Hackaday says you need to accept the terms of the contest. Did you get an invite to the project?
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick The extruder motor I connected using the J13 pins (31, 33, 35, and 37) the pwm outputs and the encoder signals on the Geckodrive. I just followed the recommended settings for the Geckodrive and it works ok. I used the stp 10 and dir 10 outputs from the CONN_LCD connection to control the external motor driver (Geckodrive). Everything is powered either from the 24V or 5V output of the existing power supplies to run the Duet 2, DueX5 and Geckodrive. The 5V is to ensure enough current for the pwm signaling for the heater control and PDB Power Enable and Motor Enable which uses up all 5 PWM outputs of the DueX5. I read in the thermocouple temps to the thermistor inputs using a voltage divider to bring the signal down to roughly 3.3V scale which enabled the temperatures to reach the correct temperature ranges. This was for the Duet as it seemed to work based on 3.3v though it can in theory handle 5 V. I did have to adjust the linear ranges as you mentioned in one of your posts. I used the touch points to calibrate at two points (finger temp and 100C) then once that was close I went to 200 and then 300 to make sure I didn't burn anything up. Once I got the ranges correct I ran the auto calibration and it now handles the temp changes quickly and accurately. With the DueX5 the 5V endstop voltages can be sent directly to the endstop pins on the Duet without having to do any level shifting to 3.3V.
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick So I completely bypassed the PDB for the xyz motors as the TMC drivers on the Duet 2 are strong enough to drive them directly and quietly too.
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick The X, Y, and Z motors have wires extended using the female Molex connector you referenced in your webpage for the I/O board on one end and the Duet connectors on the other. I crimped some wires and fed them through the electronics box to the Duet. This is like what @drphil3d did to control the movement motors.
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@archeantus the extruder is controlled from the step and dir pins sent to the Geckodrive G320X. I feed the output from the Geckodrive through the PDB. During the tool change I switch the motor driver direction to make it always extruder the right way depending on which tool is being used.
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick I run the motors directly from the Duet.
Hey, I wouldn't have been able to get where I did without your work. Would you like to be added as a contributor to the project?
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@aj-quick I am entering what I have done with the help of the wiring diagrams you posted on your website to the Hackaday.io Hack It Back competition.
Feel free to see what I have been doing and videos of the functioning Uprint SE+ fully controlled by the Duet 2 WIFI with DueX5 expansion board and Geckodrive G320X servo motor controller.
The link is here: https://hackaday.io/project/186419
I will be uploading the Duet configuration files and macros plus more information on the wiring in the coming days. I still have some more work to do to get it to run flawlessly, yet both extruders work and the chamber heater works with reasonable PID profiles.
I have printed ABS and PLA, yet haven't figured out the best chamber temps for the PLA to cool properly. Right now I can use either the Stratasys ABS in the spool under the printer or my Hatchbox ABS from a spool behind the printer. Both print wonderfully. The video is using the Hatchbox PLA red filament.
I will likely be adding an air filter to help with the ABS fumes as well as a PanelDue 5i for convenience when using the printer.
Please let me know what you think!
RE: Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit
@rexx said in Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit:
768 sst
I would say try to keep as much of it together as possible. I have been working with a more recent duet 2 wifi + Duex5 and the latest RRF 3 to take control of a Uprint SE+. The newer duets allow 5V in on the endstop inputs. The Duex5 allows for 5V logic to control the different switches and SSR on the PDB. I have gained control of everything even the dc servo motor using a Geckodrive G320x. I imagine with the 768 sst you would just need 2 G320x external drivers. I interfaced it with the CONN_LCD step dir outputs. Since there are two there, you shouldn't run into any issues. I have the Duex5 for the PWM outputs for controlling the heaters, power enable, and some logic signaling and thermistor inputs for directly reading the thermcouple 10 mv/C output from the J13 or J15 connector. To calibrate the temperature range you will need to use a voltage divider to take the 5V signal scaled down to 3.3V. Auto PID tuning worked great. I have even been able to gain control of the material bay with some soldering of wires. Still working on configuring the right pinouts to control the material bay. I'm having an issue with the fan outputs as GPIOs. I may have to find other pins, yet am quickly running out of enough pins to control everything. 5V and Vin both read in on the fans, yet the PWM pins max out at 0.5 V. I can set it to 0 and get 0V, yet it won't give me the full 5V or 24V Vin output. Not sure if I am already pulling too much from the 5V regulator or if I may have accidentally blown all of the fan mosfets. Not sure when that would have happened. I am still working on getting things calibrated and all the safety outputs run into the duet, yet once I do I'll be sure to post the whole setup here on the forum.
RE: Duet 3 Tool Board - CAN Connector & Step / Direction Outputs
@deckingman Looking at the documentation I don't see the step/dir outputs available for the tool board. I think @dc42 is referring to a separate board that will allow the step/dir outputs.
RE: Duet 3 Tool Board - CAN Connector & Step / Direction Outputs
@dc42 Is there a rough timeline for the family board? I am very interested in this option to drive a brushed DC motor on a Stratasys uPrint from a Geckodrive G320x. I need those step/dir outputs to control the Gecko.
RE: Geckodrive G320x and the Duet 3
I like the duet 3 for it's drivers and future options/support. Maybe I'll look into trying to remotely drive it using a Zesty Nimble type of setup to turn the screw. That way I won't need a special stepper to sure in the heated chamber. We will have to see. When the expansion is available I'll revisit this again. I'm still waiting to get the uPrint and will see what I can figure out when I can look at it closer.
Geckodrive G320x and the Duet 3
Is it possible to connect the Duet 3 mainboard to a Geckodrive G320x for control of a 24v brushed DC motor with encoder? I am trying to figure out if it will be possible to drive the extruder on a Stratasys uPrint SE+ with the Duet3. Ideally I would like to be able to use the one motor to drive the model and support filament on the toggle head. I'm new to RepRap firmware and am not sure if this is possible there as well even if I can control the motor. Any pointers/advice would be greatly appreciated!