@alielsayid Isn't using four rather than three a recipe for overconstraining, bending, and potential damage?

Best posts made by aniron
RE: 4 External Drivers for Z-axis!
RE: Some issues configuring external stepper drivers with Duet 0.6
@dc42 I can check again, but since the X and Y steppers go through the motions (you can hear it quietly whine as if accelerating and decelerating just as expected with actual movement), I would think so.
I did get one of the extruder steppers actually moving (only on retract for some reason even with M302 P1) by double checking the wiring between the stepstick and stepper. Shouldn't have assumed all the steppers had the same pinout.
Edit: ooh, wait, maybe I have accidentally swapped En and Dir...
Edit2: Yup, not only had I turned the 3pin Dupont the wrong way around on the shield, I had also gotten the two rows on the confused on the Duet itself when connecting up E1 and E2. All steppers working now.
Mystery solved! Thank you.