I'm working on it with an Duet2 Ethernet and RRF.
For startingpoint I used https://github.com/pfn/EnragedRabbitOnRRF
Assambly is already finished, loading and unloading is working.
First testprint still waiting for time unfortunataly.

Best posts made by AlexKid
RE: Adding support for the enraged rabbit carrot feeder (ERCF)
RE: randomly reconnect of DWC on Duet2 Ethernet
@chrishamm I'm running RRF 3.5.4 now for several weeks. The issue is no longer present. I also updated PanelDue today to 3.5.1 and it still seams to be stable.
I would suggeset to close this topic. -
RE: randomly reconnect of DWC on Duet2 Ethernet
I will install the beta and provide feedback -
RE: Adding support for the enraged rabbit carrot feeder (ERCF)
@Inlinebrother printing and filament change is working. Struggling with the servo, sometimes it will not engage completely. Will try to provide 6V instead of 5V power this should result in ~500g more force. If you are still interested in this topic you can contact me.