@infiniteloop I changed the output voltage to the bltouch to 3.3v and it fixed the problem. No more interference from the y endstop
Best posts made by AlecSanchez
RE: BLTouch Not Working After Firmware Update to 3.4
RE: BLTouch Not Working After Firmware Update to 3.4
@infiniteloop @Phaedrux Just a follow-up regarding this issue. The 3.3v pin on the duet connector has been working great, but with two small nuances:
The bltouch red light is constantly blinking as if its in alarm mode, although it functions as normal
the bltouch does not retract when triggered anymore. I had to add an m402 command in all moves that require probing. It is nice when it is doing a mesh bed leveling though as it is not constantly deploying and retracting