WiFi (Rant Alert)
Try dropping the .local just http://printername
I do not have apple on my conouter either. Also editing your hosts file with mac address and printer name as the other poster stated would work too.
There is no need to add another router into the mix
In your situation, to fix things for other network realted problems I would disable or just not use the WIFI signals your 4G provider is using. Just feed the internet into the WAN port of proper router that you have control over and take things from there. Then you can assign MAC adress to IP and problem is solved. I also had big issues before this was done at my place.
I also got a 4G Huawei modem (CPE) that I'm using. It's fiddly to find the MAC adress but if I go to Home->Product information it shows in a list down there. I then enter LAN under DHCP settings and input mac/ip I noted from the earlier menu. Not having this feature would be a pain in the ass as I have a lot of devices and I want some of the assigned to static addresses so I can manage routes and map things in my network for easier access.
Either one of the above recommendations should work but as an add on, if you truly want to get rid of the crappy ISP router there is a way to do it
Plug that spare routers internet port to one of the available ports on the ISP router and configure it to be a firewall/router.
Next configure the ISP modem/router for passthrough bridging… On Frontier routers its under advanced and connection inside one of the dropdown menus... this will disable the router features of the modem and allow your personal router to be the primary router without creating double nat network issues.
Then on your personal router you can assign an IP from the DHCP lease configuration page.
You will bo longer plug devices into the isp router but instead plug them into your personal router, as well as only connect to the personal routers wifi