Controlling a Cetus3D with Duet3D 0.8.5
A quick simple build and not fancy, honestly it is a prototype that worked fine.
Made from scrap steel 1mm thick that I had laying around. It was cut to size with a hack saw then clamped in a vice and bent using a hammer. The bolts are long because I had them and the bracket is tapped for them. A cordless drill made all the holes. If the sheet metal were a bit thicker say 1.75mm the extra bends I made to stiffen the bracket would not be needed. I cut a 2mm wide slot to the top and bottom filament feed holes so the bracket can be removed to clean the filament drive gear. I used a bunch small washers stacked to make the spacer between the nozzle top to the extruder bottom and for convince glued them together.
Have fun.