Zatsit printer
Yes, of course. -
Now I am imagining very interesting uses for the tube... hmmm...
Yes, this small stainless steel tube, thus cooled, opens up a whole bunch of possibilities, which I am currently developing, and which I hope to be able to offer after Kickstarter.1 - The volume of the Hot End can be divided by 5, and the weight reduced by 3, by directly integrating a miniature nozzle at the bottom of the tube. It is the tube+nozzle assembly that would become interchangeable, rather than the nozzle only.
2 - These miniaturized hot-ends make it possible to have a very light extrusion head, of the Direct/remote type, with two or four independent extrusion channels, but with a single drive motor, in the Flystruder position. I have already made a single-track version, which works extremely well.
Delta printers have great qualities, but they were generally limited by their single-channel Bowden tube. With 4 printable materials, you can imagine the possibilities!
Congratulation for the successful campaign!
@Zatsit it would be cool if you could get an example config for the Duet out when you start shipping, so it can be added to
Would make it a lot faster for us to get up and running with a known good config!
I just need to sell my CNC laser now so my wife isn't so mad when she hears I've got to pay for yet another successful Kickstarter
3/3 Kickstarters backed and delivered so far, got my hopes up that this makes 4/4!
Just after the end of the KS campaign, two new pages will appear on my website : STORE and DOWNLOADS.You will be able to download the configurations for the different systems I was able to try, including of course Duet WiFi.
Many thanks to all my backers, who allowed Zatsit to be born!