Stop sign over virtual axes home, but still clickable? But having odd
Anyone have an idea what is going on here? :
I home Z to minium to use a Sensor. Before setting it to minium I had it to Max where it worked perfectly with quick in, back, and slowly back etc.
I have made some virtual axes to be able to do motor sync. (made them before z homing)
My U axis is the same as Z, except U home to max.My issue now is how the mouse icon looks like a stop sign when howering over the virtual axes.
I CAN click the U icon and it does home the U to MAX, but it just goes to MAX and stops. It does not go back the 5mm it should.
When I home Z to max it worked fine, which is odd.Unlcear how many parameters we need to define for virtual axes
Do I HAVE to define virtual axes using M208 (the axes Minima and Maxima)?
I have defined endstops for each axis. Must we do this?
Do I HAVE to define motor current for the virtual axes (M906)?
Why dont the Idle power and timeout never work? M84.
I mean, it doesn't work on any of my 3 Duet printers.
Hmm, this morning the Stop sign was gone, but after making a few changes it reappeared.