What does this button do?
On the PanelDue's "Control" page, on the far right side there's a button above the "Macro" button that has a squiggly line and some arrows. What does that button do?
I think this is the only button in the interface I haven't figured out… (While I'm posting, what is the "P0" value immediately above that button?) I think it might relate to z-probe or auto levelling or bed compensation... or something along those lines... (but I have no z-probe installed/configured.)
While commenting on the PanelDue interface, a request: It'd be really nice if the nozzle icons representing tools were numbered the same as they are in the web interface: Starting at 0 instead of at 1. I asked my wife to "go downstairs and tap the button for tool 1 until it turns red..." (followed by instructions for changing the temperature so the nozzle heated up so I could unload filament.) When I got back to the printer, I found that she did the logical thing and selected the button labeled as "1" (which is actually tool 0.)
If you mean this button in yellow, its runs the bed calibration.