A duet card for existing 3D pritner HW
Dear support,
quite simple question, I hope.I happened to got the small MiniFactory 3D printer in my hands. The hardware is extremely sturdy and I'd like to utilize it.
Can you please recommend the Duet control board for the following:- X, Y and Z axis with NEMA 17 stepper. All axis driven by means of a lead screw (Cartesian, not coreXY).
- Two filament extrudes with NEMA 13 stepper (I might remove one extrude, leaving just one)
- Micro switch homing for all axis
- Hot plate (about 165x165 mm)
- 2 hot ends (might remove one)
- USB and/or microSD reader
The best if the control board include the stepper drivers too. No need for WiFi, the printer will be off-line anyway.
Thanks in Advance
@JohnJohn sounds like a bog standard setup that could be run by a Duet3 Mini 5+ or a Duet3 6HC. The 6HC can provide higher currents to steppers, but without more details about the NEMA17s its not possible to say with absolute certainty that the 6HC would be needed.
The Duet3 Mini comes either with WiFi or Ethernet, the 6HC comes with Ethernet but recent revisions can take an ESP32 module.
I saw you said the machine will run offline, but I'd still recommend looking into some networked function to make use of the Duet Web Control UI. If you want to avoid connection to an enterprise network, you could run the WiFi in AP mode to connect a control computer.Alternately add a Raspberry Pi for SBC mode with a display on the machine. Without networking, transferring files will be cumbersome, and streaming print files over GCode comes with limitations: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/RepRapFirmware/RepRapFirmware_overview#printing-over-usb-connection-octoprint-cura-simplify3d-etc
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Thanks @oliof for your clear and good answer. I appreciate.
This Duet approach starts to gain my interest more now.
Can I use the Duet for CNC machine control too (like in instead on Mach3 for example).
Most importantly, does CAM software (like Fusio360 for example) support Duet g-code?BR
@oliof Thanks. That's all for now