roto toolboard with nema17 extruder
I have bought the 1.3 toolboard but I'm not such a big fan on the connectors, I find them a bit small, I also don't need that many connections.
I'm considering the roto toolboard, this uses more standard e3d connectors.On the product page it says:
Up to 1A peak current, micro-step interpolation from any setting to x256, stall detection (Note further thermal testing may allow higher extruder current for Extruders other than the Revo Roto which should not exceed 600mA current)Does this mean I can connect an extruder motor with a higher current ? if I run into issues where the board would become to hot do I get a warning, does it shut down ?
Or does it make more sense to just use a stepper driver from the main board and run an additional cable in this case ?
I'm using a chamber, it can get up to 50 degrees in the summer, I guess if the stepper driver isn't used the board will not get very hot.The Roto toolboard uses a XT30 2+2 connector, is such a cable included when you buy it ?
Does anyone know if more expansion boards are coming ? Does anyone other than duet make expainsion board that aren't clones ?
@brampie there is a limit in the firmware for what the extruder current can be which i believe is set to 1A at the moment but I know they tested up to 1.6A.
The 2240 used on the roto board reports its temperature so you can use that to monitor if the board is too hot.
Depends what current you want to run your extruder at.
Yes you get an XT30+2 cable
And yes, theres the Fly-RRF36, Fly SB2040 Max V3 and Fly-SB2040 Pro Max V3 made by Mellow -
@jay_s_uk Thx, I ordered the roto tool board
I'm having some issues with the included cable, it's fairly short and stiff, I'll try and order the XT30+2 connector and crimp a cable myself.
If duet would decide to make a "simple" direct drive toolboard using the same connectors as the duet5 mini, using the same stepper driver, I would certainly buy that.