G32 doesnt save after True Bed Leveling
@johny with the wrong Y offset of the probe, the compensation applied is wrong.
An exaggerated example: If your Y offset is 40mm physically but you defined your Y offset as 0 in your config, the printer will compensate for what it measured 40mm away
In addition, the further away the probe is from the nozzle, the higher the risk for imperfections in the carriage and probe mount skewing results further.
The recommendations are
a) verify and adjust your Y offset
b) try to reduce the distance between nozzle and probe (verifying and adjusting probe offsets after)In addition, I recommend to have the Z probe location match a point of your axis alignment and a point of your bed mesh, so you have a physical fix point between the three measurements that should not be further out than your probe repeatability.
@oliof so you saying that G31 has the wrong X and Y values?
G31 P1000 X23 Y5 Z0.1 -
@johny I would guess that the center of the probe is rather 50mm away from the nozzle than 5mm in the Y direction guessing from the photo you posted. after all, you have a 20mm extrusion between the two, and both the Z probe and the nozzle stick out. So yeah, that's likely off by a lot.