Job information height incorrect
Where does the duet web control read the job information from? The print height reported there is incorrect, and I'm trying to narrow down if it a duet or cura issue. Also in the progress window its reporting the incorrect total number of layers
By chance, are you using variable layer height in your slicer ?
@jens55 nope, fixed 0.3mm layer height. Even previous models would also be reported as 100mm (/333layers), even when they're smaller.
@ToWi1989 Hmmm ..... I recall that I had that issue at one time and I got an answer that made me ignore the issue. I must be recalling the details wrong. Sorry, no other idea.
Are you using supports in your slicer? I've noticed in the past that supports are often printed at different layer heights to the main body. AFAIK, DWC counts every Z move as a layer change so if supports are printed as intermediate heights, then they'll be counted as layers. So you could have 333 layers at 0.3 mm but 900+ Zmoves including intermediate supports which DWC would show as additional layers.
@deckingman Nope, but after some more searching I've found my anwer in an older post:
My gcode also has a command to lower the bed (100mm) after the print is finished.