Changing web tab name possible?
I have set up bookmarks to the URL of different printers. The printers are named. When no job is running the name is displayed in the tab of the browser (Firefox on Ubuntu). When a job starts, the name goes away and instead the tab tells me the percentage progress of the job running on that printer.
While it is very informative to know the progress of a print job, if I have a number of printer DWC's open and they are running jobs, I can no longer tell what printer is what based on the web tab. Is there an easy way to make it so that the printer name is displayed even if a print job is running? -
Seems that if I don't have too many tabs open, the tab will actually display percentage complete as well as the printer name. While it would still be nice to change the tab name from it's current percent and printer name to printer name and percentage, the whole issue goes away if I open a second browser that just contains all my printer tabs and there is enough room to display the complete tab name.
Sorry for the 'operator error' question. -
@KenW holy crap, who knew .... very cool!
That is some heavy duty Firefox Foo .... something that might very well lead me into temptation and eventual disasterI changed it to 200 which I like more than the default.
I found another feature of Firefox - you can save groups of tabs. So what I did was to create a bookmark of all individual printer IP's and all associated camera ip's so it is very easy to open up a new Firefox window and open all 3D printing related tabs at once. So now all I have to do is click on the bookmark and tell it to open all tabs. As a bonus, it keeps the tabs in order so all the camera feeds ,which show no indication on the tab as to which camera they belong to, are opened as an ordered group. DWC for printer one, printer one camera, DWC for printer two, printer two camera and so on.