Duet3 MB 6XD - CAN0/CAN1 function?
Good morning,
I have a MB6XD and three 1HCL boards connected via CAN network.
I am running Firmware version 3.4.5 on the MB.
Due to space constraints, I was intending on using the 2-pin CAN_0_OUT connection rather than the RJ11 CAN_1_OUT on the 6XD board, however, this doesn't seem to work when connecting this way.
I have found an older post that this port's functionality was to be included in RRF 3.4, but I can't find any further information if this port functions the same way as the CAN_1_OUT.
Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
@Glen_Remix IIRC, CAN_0_out hasn't been fully implemented as a separate CAN-FD connection. As far as i'm aware its only used by things such as odrives for CAN configuration (but not motion control).
I think you'd have to use CAN_1_out for now -
@jay_s_uk Thanks for your speedy reply!
Looks like I'll have to do some rearranging to reach that port.
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